After parking my car at a parking lot, I grabbed the lunch box that I made for Jeonghan from the back seat, and made my way inside his company. It's my first time here so I had to ask the receptionist at the lobby.
Yes, after dating him for more than a month now, it's my first going here.
I went inside the elevator and clicked the number of the floor where the receptionist said where Jeonghan's office is.
It was a bit nerve-wracking to wait inside an elevator, knowing the fact that I'll be seeing him after.
I anxiously travelled my eyes around while biting my lower lip, thinking of things to tell him when I do meet him later.
The reason why I came here is that I just wanna make up for him as he always come to my workplace when I'm already closing and makes time to wait for me when infact he has a lot of things to do. I purposely closed earlier just so I can surprise him cause for sure at exactly nine o'clock, he's gonna be outside my restaurant.
When I stepped out of the elevator, I glanced at my wrist watch and it was already eight forty-five.
Now to go and find him.
I walked in a slow pace as my eyes looked around, searching for a door with a 'President' name on it. There wasn't a lot of employees around and I kinda found it creepy that I was the only one walking in the middle of this hallway, but it's tolerable though and I really don't believe in ghosts.
After minutes of doing so, I finally found his office. I was about to knock on the door but his open blinds caught my attention. I pursed my lips and slowly took a peek inside through the glass pane.
He looked really busy that he was even frowning, he was checking a lot of papers and signing them afterwards. I suddenly felt guilty, after all this work, he would still go to me and would always pull off a smile.
It's okay if I'm here now right? What if he's exceptionally busy today?
Suddenly he raised his head and stretched his neck but stopped halfway when he probably saw me. He obviously looked really surprised that his jaw dropped.
I immediately smiled and widely waved my hands in the air. His face softened as he stood up from his seat, leaving all his paperwork's and headed to the door.
When he got out, I greeted him with my arms wide open. He closed his eyes with a beam and gave into my arms. He rested his chin on my shoulder that immediately made me chuckle.
"Are you sleepy?", I asked and he just nodded. Knowing that he's a big fan of sleeping, I would definitely expect him to be like this.
"I cooked for you, you should take a short break and eat and I'll leave after."
I heard him groan."No, let's stay like this for awhile.", He said, almost a mumble. I gently patted his back as he tightens the hug.
I just let him rest there on my shoulder and stayed on my position until he gains some energy back. I don't mind though, that he's like this cause to be honest, I like it too.
"Are you sleeping already?"
"No~", His voice was so soft.
"What if someone will see us?"
"It's okay, most of the employees already got home, there are only a few people here.", It was cute when I felt his jaw move when he talks.
"What if one of those few people sees us?", I'm literally spitting nonsense. Not that I don't care that one of his employees will see us, maybe a bit, but just not like this.
"I don't care. Atleast they'll know you're mine."
I chuckled. "You're cheesy."
"I'm just stating facts.", He parted the hug a little and held both my shoulders. He looked at me straight in the eyes, but not seriously, he rather looked happy.
"Why?", I asked. His stares felt like an eternity that I suddenly became a bit anxious.
"I wanna ditch work so bad and just spend time with you tonight.", He pouted and blinked his eyes multiple time like a kid asking for a candy.
"You know you can't." Sadly.
I patted his head and his expression eventually shifted. He looked so grown-up earlier when he was with his papers but now he's more like a kid, an adorable one.
"I'm the boss. No one will fire me.", I slightly laughed.
"You're the boss and you should be a great role model.", My remarks caused him to whine.
"Should I help you?"
"Please do."
"I don't know how though."
"Well, you can just sit somewhere inside my office and the sight of you would be more than enough.", I snorted and he raised his brows.
"You're joking right?"
"Did I sound like I was joking?", My smile slowly faded. He's serious. The atmosphere suddenly became so tense that I had no choice but to fake a laugh.
"Ha Ha Ha. Quit joking. You should go and eat and I'll just be off.", I made him hold the launch box and took a few steps back.
He suddenly laughs. "Why do you still get flustered?", I can finally breath again. He's been messing up with me for quite awhile now but I would still get pranked. He should really consider himself being an actor. "You looked so funny.", I blankly stared at him. He cupped my cheeks and pouted his lips looking at me.
"Why? Are you upset?", I cheekily smiled.
"I'm not. Why would I be?", I grabbed his hands from my cheeks. I was about to let them go but he intertwined it with mind instead.
"I was serious though.", He pursed his lips, trying to suppress his laughter. "Really, I would appreciate it if you would stay for awhile."
"It'll be awkward."
"Why?", He raised his brows.
"Sitting there and not doing something would be really awkward."
"But I'm there too."
"That's the main reason.", I looked down on my shoes and pressed my lips together.
"Do you still feel awkward around me?"
"It's not that.", I shook my head, clearly denying it.
"Then why?"
"Don't you feel it too? Like you're nervous when you're in a serious atmosphere when you're with someone you like...", I mumbled the last words. I'm sure he doesn't and I'm the only one like this.
"No.", He broke our intertwined hands and grabbed my right hand with his left hand, placing my palms on his chest.
His heart was beating so fast, probably faster than mine. I looked up to him and suddenly felt guilty for saying those things.
"You don't know how nervous I am when you're around."
His stares were so serious that I became breathless again. It's my fault in the first place for bringing something like this up.
His face was so mesmerizing that I don't know what to say anymore.
"So you should open up to me when you feel something like this, because I do too.", Both corners of his lips lifted. "I hope I'd get to know you more in the process of what we are now."
"I want to know more about you too.", I absentmindedly said. I wish someone could snap a finger right infront my face so I can bring my mentality back to reality.
"I'd be happy to tell you everything."
I've always like how he used to be a mystery for me, like I only know bits of him but the exciting feeling and anticipation of having the chance to know more about him makes it more interesting.