Little girl, little laughs

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It's October 5th 1989, In a town known as Atlanta, Georgia. I just moved into my new house about a week ago. It feels really quiet and relaxing, a forest lies around my house as if it were from a movie. I questioned why I chose this location in Georgia was it because it felt right or was it because I wanted to try a new location and start a new life? As I kept questioning my decision I thought it would be nice to go for a walk down a path I saw moving into the house. So I grabbed my yellow rain jacket cause it was raining a little outside. I also grabbed my walkmen to listen to some music as I went for a walk. The path was filled with moss and a little gravel and the forest was dim while the sky was rainy and gray. My boots sank into the path as I walked further away from the house and my rain jacket was shiney in the rain. As I got further into the path I noticed that the trees were thinning out as I got closer to a nearby field that was wide and open. The rain started pouring down on me as I couldn't see out in the field but it looked like there was a strange rustic gold key lying in the grass. I picked it up and it felt heavy but light at the same time. I stood up and looked around to see if anyone was around me at one point I heard giggling and I turned around quickly to see a little girl standing in the field looking back at me.

As we made eye contact, I moved closer to her too see if she was okay or if she was lost. She turned around and swiftly ran away from me as if she was scared of something. I ran after her too see where she was running off too. The feeling of the tall green grass brushing on my legs as I ran deeper in the meadow. The rain fell as if it was in slow motion as I ran. I lost her, but I came across a 1920's-1930's looking house. It was all white with a beautiful balcony and pillars all around. The paint on the outside was very chipped and you could see the dark oak wood peeking through the white paint. I decided to go and explore inside, as I walked through, the porch creaked every step I took. I got inside and it was dark and dusty, it smelled old and like dust in it. I kept walking around inside and I saw a huge ripped, vintage self portrait of a young woman in an elegant dark green dress. I wondered if that was  the past owners family member but i just shrugged and walked off continuing searching for stuff around the house. I looked around the floor to see anything strange or something that could be useful to  use for my exploring. It was getting  dark so I needed to hurry and look around more for a flashlight or lantern to help me guide me back home. I found a big silver flashlight, but looked really new to be in this house. I heard giggling downstairs and I was debating on going down to see if it was the girl or if it wasn't , of course I chose to go down into the basement. So I made my way to the basement stairs, and there were a number of cups spilled everywhere and they had dirt but it looked like flowers were inside them. I got to the stairs and I started going into the basement. I turned off my walkmen so I could hear if anything dangerous was down there  so I could be alert at all times.

Every step I took creaked horribly and I was starting to regret my decision. I got to the last step and my foot fell through it breaking the step and making a loud crash. I panicked when my foot was stuck but I eventually got it out. I picked up my flashlight and began searching for her, but it seemed like nothing was there. There was an old white door that had chipped paint all over and had a gold handle. It looked like it needed a key, so I remembered I have the key I found in the meadow.  I used it and it worked, I walked in slowly and shined my flashlight in the dark old room. I felt tense and paranoid as I walked in the room. Then I saw the little girl pointing at something in the corner, she turned and looked at me and started pointing at me and I was confused and then all of the sudden I heard growling and  chains rattling. I saw what it was and it was a huge tall beast crawling towards me in the slowest way and then started chasing after me. I quickly opened the door and ran too the stairs and skipped the last step because I knew I would trip and fall. I made it upstairs  and I noticed a table was blocking the front entrance so I ran quickly and hopped over the table and through the door and ran into the forest. The beast was after me now, so I had to be quick and smart. There was a nearby pond full of water so I decided to  go through it so the beast could get somehow stuck in the water. I got too the meadow and it was dark and the sky was full of stars and the moon shined bright down on the meadow. The beast was still after me and all I could feel or hear was the ground shaking and my body full of adrenaline coursing through my body to get to my house as fast as I could. I could hear him letting out huge roars that shook the ground, but that didn't keep me from not running. I got to the path and the moss was gone. It was all dirt again and I was starting to get confused, the trees kept getting bigger as I got closer to my house. I stopped and heard nothing I felt that the beast was gone, so I walked into my house locked all of the doors and sat on my couch. I woke up sweating and my heart pounding, I thought to myself this was all a dream....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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