Thank You for Loving Me

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Dean wrapped his arms around Claudia as she examined herself in the mirror.

"Beautiful." He told her, placing a kiss on her temple. She let out a content sigh, placing her hands over his. Taking her hand in his, he spun her around and began to sway back and forth with her in a silent slow dance. His features softened as she giggled and stared up at him with nothing but love in her eyes.

"Thank you for loving me." He said, knowing that was the song that played when he proposed to her- knowing it was the song that they had danced to at their wedding. He watched as her face fell, she never told him those details. She didn't share details about the proposal or the wedding because she didn't want their relationship to feel forced.

"Dean?" Her voice cracked as tears began to well up in her eyes. He nodded softly, confirming to her that he had gotten his memories back. She buried her face into her chest and held onto him tightly as she began to cry tears of joy.

He placed gentle kisses in her hair, "I love you," he whispered.

She looked up at him, "You're not messing with me, right? You remember everything?"

"Everything," he chuckled, "And even with no memory, you still managed to make me fall in love with you all over again."

She started placing a series of kisses on his lips, "I love you," she repeated with each one. His grin grew as he embraced her. He knew, more than ever, exactly how true that was.

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