Marauders Era!Sirius Black: The Storm Outside

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Rain was still splattering against the Gryffindor girls dorm window, continuing from the storm of last night, and it seemed like it was only getting stronger. The sky was still a mix of blue and grey with the occasional flashes of lightning. You would normally be in a good mood due to storms being your favorite type of weather, but today it only made your mood worse. You didn't get much sleep last night, due to studying for multiple tests during the next week, and you must've fallen asleep while studying for potions.

You stayed in bed for a couple more minutes until you decided to drag yourself out of bed. Your body was sore in places you didn't even know could be sore, you head felt like someone kept hitting it with a frying pan with each step you took, and you could barely walk in a straight line. You finally made it to the bathroom, not without walking into the door first. You splashed some cold water on your face to try to wake yourself to the point where you could keep your eyes open for more than 2 seconds. You then got ready, but didn't know if anything matched, and to be honest, you didn't have the mental capacity to care.

As you were walking down to the common room, you heard your boyfriend talking to someone, and as you got closer, you could tell that he was talking to 2 people, James Potter and Remus Lupin. You slowly descended the stairs while gripping the railing so tight that your knuckles were white because if you let go, you were pretty sure you would fall down the rest of them. You eventually got to the bottom and slowly made your way to where the boys were.

"Good morning darling," said Sirius, sounding like he put an amplifying spell on himself.

"Too loud," you replied while covering your ears with your hands.

James then decided that it was a good idea to chime in and say,"someone's not in a good mood."

"James, I swear that I will hex you," you said bitterly while Remus just laughed. You normally would've said something to him also, but you just couldn't.

Making your way over to your boyfriend who was sitting on the couch, you walked over and plopped yourself onto his lap and curled up while hiding your face in the crook of his neck. His one arm went to your waist automatically, and his other smoothed down your hair that most likely looked like a tornado hit it.

He then asked if you were okay which you just shook you head no to. He then said,"Darling, are you drunk?"

You finally looked up into his grey eyes, hit his shoulder, and exclaimed,"I just woke up!" which wasn't a good idea seeing as your headache got much worse after that.

"Alright, alright," he said with a chuckle,"are you sick then?" He then proceeded to feel my forehead with his hand and said,"Love, you're really hot."

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself Black," you said while smirking at him. In return, he just rolled his eyes, but still had a little smile that you knew he tried to hide which only made you smile more.

"I'm trying to be serious here."

"Aren't you always Sirius?' you asked very innocently while also trying not to laugh in hopes to not make your head actually burst.

He only shook his head while saying,"You've been spending way too much time with me." You just silently laughed at that. "You need rest Love," he continued," you almost fell twice coming down here, and there's no way that you're going to be able to stay awake, let alone pay attention in class."

"I don't pay attention in class anyway because certain classmates," you said while looking at the three boys in the room,"decide to distract me. Besides I have multiple tests this week and I need to learn." You then tried to get up and out of your very strong boyfriend's grasp, but he only tightened his hold on you.

"Nope, not happening," he said while kissing your forehead. "This is what's gonna happen. I'm going to carry you up to my dorm, and we are going to go to sleep."

"You can't do that! What about my notes? What about my classes? What about your classes? Can you guys back me up here?" I questioned while turning to face Remus and James hoping that at least one will see reason.

"I can give you my notes y/n. Sirius is right, you need rest," Remus said avoiding my glare.

"He's right, you look like crap," added James.

"Thanks James, I really appreciate you telling me what I already know.

"Besides, it's not like Sirius would actually pay attention," he continued.

"He's not wrong love, I never pay attention especially when I sit by a beautiful girl that distracts me without even trying," he said while you just blushed furiously. "I also know that as soon as I would leave the room, you would get up and head to class. So it's settled, I'm staying." You just huffed in annoyance, partly because you knew he was right about you leaving right away and partly because you were just annoyed.

"As fun as it is to see you 2 argue like an old married couple," James started,"we gotta head to breakfast before class. Have fun!"

"See you later, and I'll give you the notes at the end of the day y/n," Remus said while you just smiled at him as a thanks since the arguing has left your throat sore.

After they left, Sirius picked you up which startled you, and he just laughed when he felt you stiffen. You just glared back since he moved you from your very comfortable position. He walked the up the stairs to the boys dormitory, and made his way to his room. He sat you down on the bed and went to change into some sweatpants. He came back and handed you one of shirts, you decided that it was just another one to add to your collection of his shirts that you have in your room. You changed out of your school robes, and put on his shirt.

He was already laying in bed with one arm behind his head and his other on his side waiting for you. As much as you were against it, any chance to see him without a shirt is a win to you.

"Like what you see darling?" he remarked while looking at you.

"What can I say? The view's pretty nice from here," you replied and he just laughed.

"I could say the same thing," he added.

You finally made it to the bed and snuggled up close to his side. You had one arm over his stomach, your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, and your legs were tangled together. He had an arm wrapped around your waste, and the other holding the hand of your arm that was on his stomach playing with your fingers.

You were already drifting off when you heard him say,"I love you darling." You smiled and softly said,"I love you too, and thank you." He just kissed your head, and you both drifted off to the sounds of the storm outside and each others breathing.Start writing your story

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