Kageyama x kenma

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I'm sorry it's a bit short

- kuroo and suga set them up as a joke saying they would get along

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- kuroo and suga set them up as a joke saying they would get along

-they shockingly did and exchanged numbers

-they would play games together in their free time

-they realized their feelings after 4 months after hanging out

-theyre really possesive over each other and i meant that

-kageyama always think kenma as a cat and its adorable

-kenma always know how to calm kageyama down when hes mad

-their dates are cuddling , playing games together , cuddling , movie nights , or just going to places thats intresting for both of them

-theyre the couples that always cuddle or lay their head on each others lap when together

-kenma introduced kageyama to nekoma and it seems like nekoma just acts like a whole parent to kageyama and kageyama is now in the nekoma gc

-kageyama introduced kenma to the team and boy karasuno was more loud than nekoma in each practice

-kenma has social anxiety so he would always hide behind kageyama when approached

-kageyama doesnt know how to socialize but he can handle the situation pretty well

-kageyama still feels insecure about his junior high past and when that happens kenma would hug kageyama and tell him how much he improved from his past self and how much kenma is proud of him

-they both shockingly have style and would always wear matching outfit when going out when they have the chances

-kageyama now have an obsession over video games and would always play games on his switch that kenma gave him for his birthday

-kenma also got a milk obsession because kageyama would always bring them anywhere and gives them to kenma when hanging out or on a date

-they dont like long distance relationship and theyre planning on moving in together when they graduate

-kenma has been helping kageyama with animals such as cats since kageyama secretly adores them

-kageyama likes squishing kenmas cheeks when he bored

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