The Land Of Light.

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The streets were crowded with small groups of merchants, trying to sell their stock to the best of their abilities. Wings would collide as the citizens were pushed against each other as they fluttered to find the best buy. This wasn’t the streets of the human world, but of the supernatural world. In the city of Wind, fairies, trolls & pixies (amongst other things) scurried everywhere, trying to get from one place to another. I stood and watched from the roofs of the houses that were closely built together, sticking to the shadows. After a moment of pure silence from my part, I began to run. From roof to roof I jumped, on my way to my main objective. My dark hair easily blended in the darkness, but shone in the light. I scanned every side with my observant deep eyes, hoping no one would be following me. I jumped from the roofs and into the forest.

As I reached the clearing where the sky blue tent stood among side the peaceful river, I slowed to a walk. A woman appeared from inside the tent, wearing a long, elegant pale forest green dress that left her shoulders bare but covered her arms with long sleeves. A leaf cut from an emerald gem hung around her neck on a sliver chain, and she wore a headpiece around her forehead that was sliver with an emerald in the middle, symbolising she was from royalty.

“My queen.” I said, falling to one knee before her. She smiled.

“Really, you mustn’t be so formal. You are still and forever will be my daughter, Willow.” She laughed melodiously as she drew me close into an embrace.

 Though what she said wasn’t complete truth, I accepted her warmth and love for me. I wasn’t her actual daughter, but her adopted daughter. She had no children to call her own, and she had adopted me when I was just a baby. My real parents had died protecting me from ravenous creatures that had stalked us one night, and she had found me crying loudly in the night. She had named me Willow, after the willow tree that I had been placed under before my parents had collapsed dead beside me. My father had been a wind fairy, but my mother was a nymph. They were the people who rebelled against the rules, and married someone not of their species. And their result was me, something crossed between a nymph and a fairy. With my father’s jet black hair that reached to all the way to my back and my mother’s deep brown eyes that could see further than any nymph or wind fairy, I was tanned, and was considered an exotic ‘thing’ between the citizens. My ‘mother’ queen Gabriel was almost the opposite; she had light blonde hair that cascaded to her shoulders which had light forest green streaks coming through it & deep emerald eyes. She had a tall curved figure, where as I was more slim and slightly shorter.

“I see you have been at the markets,” she eyed my clothing. I wore a leather black skirt, with a brown strapless leather corset that had strings that wove all the way down through the eyelets of the shirt in the middle. I had donned on a long black scarf to keep warmth as there was a chill in the air even with the sun high up above us. My hair was tied up in a high bun and loose strands of hair had escaped from when I ran.

“I did, but there wasn’t much to see, nothing new at all.” I said sadly, before shrugging and sitting down next to the river.

“Your interests never lasted long anyway.” Gabriel mused. I ignored her.

I stared into the water, looking at my reflection. The leather corset showed a lot of bare skin, including the thin scar that ran down from my neck to the tip of my shoulder. It was the only fragment left of what had happened 17 years ago. I never tried to forget the memories that flooded every time I saw the scar, but then I didn’t stay too long on the memories either.

“Willow, I suggest not delaying packing for too long. We leave tomorrow.” Gabriel’s voice floated from the inside the tent. I sighed in defeat, and walked inside.

I lifted the open flap of the tent, and grimaced at all my things laid out. Tomorrow, I would leave for a school, but obviously not a normal one. A school for the supernatural beings, and since having become Gabriel’s daughter meant I was next in line for the throne, even if I didn’t have the royal blood within me. I needed to understand our world, our enemies, our friends and our laws, and that was exactly why I needed to go to Ms Kaviria’s all-girls school.

 Ms Kaviria was born in the middle of all the kingdoms, fire, earth, water, wind and darkness. This meant she belong to no one. She was a passionate woman who believed in peace, so she decided to make a school where every girl at least from each kingdom could attend. Everyone agreed, except the Dark kingdom, and so, they created a school of their own for their own. And that has how it has been for the past 100 years or so.

I packed promptly, not really looking at what I packed.  I slowed as I picked up a small heart locket, made out of sliver and decorated in intricate designs. I brushed my hand against it, hesitating wether to open it or not.

“That was from ‘dark’, wasn’t it?” Gabriel asked, coming up behind me. I looked at her wistfully.


‘Dark’ was the made-up name of a boy I had met long ago, while being lost in a forest. He had led me to safety, giving the small locket as a remembrance. It seemed pretty obvious where he came from, but not what status he was or his family. Gabriel never met him, but still was thankful to the boy.

“Well, if you’re done, we should get some rest before tomorrow.” Gabriel said.

“I’m all done.” I declared.


A.N - I am sorry for any spelling, grammer and punctuation incorrections. Please vote, comment or fan if you wish to (:

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