Chapter 8

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Damien look around, he didn't see Lucy, Walter, or anybody, just complete darkness. Then some humanoid figure rose up in front of him and Damien gritted his teeth and cocked a fist, ready to fight. It didn't do anything besides stare at him for the longest time. "𝐼 𝐴𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔'𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙, 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑛." it said and dispersed into the darkness as creatures from all around rushed him while he realized he couldn't move.

He rose up and looked around, noticing he was back in his bed with Lucy beside him. He checked the time and saw that it was 4:10 in the morning. He just sighed and got up, and got ready for the day.

He left a note for Lucy to read, explaining that he was about to go to work, while he thought Lucy could use some bonding time with her father. He got the stuff he needed and left, locking the door behind him. Once he got there, he clocked in, and looked at the paper and saw where he would be working. He told his boss that he was off to go and get to work and his supervisor just nodded and pointed at a truck that already had all the supplies he needed in it.

Damien got in it and started it up and drove to where he needed to work. When he got there, the people living there was just leaving and the father looked over at him and he just nodded at him. Then the father got in the car and they drove off, giving Damien the privacy he liked. He picked all the stuff up and out of the truck and got to work, working perfectly fine and alone till other people showed him from work with materials.

Although as soon as they got there, they realized that all that was left was the inside, rendering them useless. "Hey man, save some work for the rest of us!" One jokingly shouted up at him. Damien hopped down and off the roof, taking his supplies down with him. He put them in the truck, flipped his eyepatch up and looked each one of them in the eyes. "Next time get off your lazy asses and do your fucking job, you don't get paid for sitting around, you get paid for doing your fucking job, which looks like I had to do for you. Early bird gets the worm after all." Damien said, then spat on one's shoe. They all looked a little shocked at him then one smirked and said "you do realize I'm the boss right?" He said. "Bullshit, I spoke with the manager earlier today along with my supervisor, my trainer did his job, and I met the ceo a few days ago. Lie to me again, and I'll nail your tongue to the next house's roof." Damien said as the guy's smirk faded.

Damien got his other supplies and walked inside, about to continue the job when he felt something like a nat hit the back of his head. He looked down and saw a hard-hat helmet on the ground, he then looked up at the one who threw it as the guy repositioned his shoulders and smirked, confident he could win the fight. Damien just sighed and growled a little.

He dropped his stuff, picked up the helmet and threw it back, taking the arm off the guy when he tried to catch it and sent him spiraling, landing on his chest on the ground. "Last chance, leave me alone and let me do my damn job, or else the morgue gets 6 new visitors." Damien said, picking his bag of supplies up with his head barely turned so he could see the rest of them.

While they rushed to their friend on the ground, screaming and crying out bloody Murder, Damien just walked inside and continued working. Right when he finished, he walked out to see the family pulling in while the ambulance with the guy with one arm was driving off and all the others left. "Hey, what happened?" The father asked.

"I did my job and finished working on your place, but half way through, the rest of the group showed up cause they were lazy, and tried lying to me and tried to start a fight. I ended it quickly and finished doing my job, nothing more." He said as he put the rest of his supplies up in the truck. "You know, you remind me of a different guy, he always wears a mask, not an eyepatch though." The father stated. "Yeah, I know Jay, he was off working somewhere else today, but he's the one who taught me how to do my job." Damien said.

"Ah, well, those hooligans were late and lazy, and they also constantly terrorized the area here, so you also did us a favor, so here." The guy held out a couple hundred dollars to Damien. Damien looked at it and looked up at him. "Nah, you keep it. You've got a kid, you'll need it more then me, besides, I didn't mind doing it." Damien said as he handed it back to the father. "Alright, and thank you." The guy said. "Mhm, no problem." Damien said as he got in the truck.

"Umm, If I need you, how would I contact you?" The guy asked, standing at his window. "Contact Jay, ask him to get a person named Damien Lucilver, have a good night." Damien said as he started up the truck. The guy just nodded and backed away as Damien drove off. On Damien's way back to the building he got the truck and supplies from, he looked at his phone and saw he was getting a call from Jay. He picked up and answered.

"Hello? What's going on Jay?" Damien asked.

"It's Lucy..." was all he heard, hearing something in Jay's 2 words, making it seem like something was wrong. Damien hung up, sped up and drove to his place as he could feel something inside him beginning to stir.

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