The Sanatorium

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I wake up at a place I haven't been in before, once I can even turn my head up, someone was spilling water on me. I didn't bother to disturb, until they hit me, saying, " Hi-yah! " I was startled and was forced to awaken myself.

" Ouch! " Lauren said while being hit by a nurse.

" Oh! I am sorry, dear! You have been laying down here for some hours, why are you sent here, dahling? " The nurse with a tea leaf hairpin asked.

" I don't know! I was just startled by you're hitting. " Lauren said while holding her back in clear pain.

" I am sorry, dear! That is how we have to bring patients to something or many others! That is just what we are scrip- said to do always! :giggles_nervously: " The nurse said while helping Lauren up.

" What is this place..? " Lauren asked in confusion.

" Oh! It is De Pride Isle Sanatorium, dear! " The nurse said while looking upon the big building. 

" Oh! Why am I here though? " Lauren asked in confusion again.

" I do not know dear. We just saw you here in our exterior! " The nurse said.

" I'll stay here then. " Lauren said while looking at the front entrance.

" Are you hungry? " The nurse looked at Lauren, handing her a pear-shaped melon. 

" Yes! Very. " Lauren looked back and received the melon. 

" Freshly picked from ze melon cliffs around the outside world! " The nurse said while entering the building with Lauren. 

" Please wear the uniforms on your left, choose any of your liking! And go up the stairs, fully. And go to you're left and go backwards, you'll be greeted by 2 doors, go straight and enter ze cafeteria! You may follow other patients for what to do! But, anyhoo.. I need some work to do, see you at ze sanatorium in some minutes or hours or days! Bye! " The nurse said while waving goodbye.

" Bye bye! " As I said while picking my uniform and went the directions she said precisely.

I get greeted by a door, seeing a sign, " Cafeteria " I went in there and saw so many patients, some were screaming for food, and some were patiently waiting for food and some were peaceful.

I sat by a little group of people.

" H-hi.. " I nervously said while looking at them and looking down once again. 

" Heyo!, Hiya!, Mhm?, Heyyy! " All different personalities greeted me. 

" Um.. Can- can can we I be friends with you all...! " I tried to ask lively as of I thought I was depressed.

" Sure! What's your name? " They then all looked at me.

" Lauren I. Hashimoto " I answered.

" Oh, well, I'm Tyler Sasaki, That's Alexa Sasaki, my sister, Natalie Sato, and, last but not the least, Leah Matsuzaki! " Tyler said while pointing to Alexa, Natalie, and Leah.

" Mhm, heyoo!, heyyy!, hiya! " Alexa, Leah, Tyler, and Natalie greeted me.

" Okay- " I get cut off by a intercom announcement, after some milliseconds, the megaphones said: " {FOOD} -shoves- Get in there! Anyway. Today we'll be serving roasted Alb- flamingo! Please be seated in correct and ze sanatorium's attire! Please be known without a uniform, no holy water, no food, no prizes, no nothing! Hands down! " A Torium Aide said in the intercom.

" Roasted flamingo? " Lauren said while looking at her plate, just don't taste it, you thought to yourself, gulping it down, still it was kind of delicious?.. I knew that they shoved a person in there and I'm thinking it's delicious?! Probable cannibalism-

" What did you think of it? " Natalie asked me.

" Kind of.. delicious?- " Lauren says.

" Oh, okay. We should all stay in a dorm together. " Leah said.

" Is there enough beds? " Lauren said in confusion.

" There always is... " Alexa said from the dark.

" { Dorms and Disposal } Ew! Please take away ze filthy trash in ze clean and organized cafeteria! And after eating your food, please proceed to ze dormitories for some good night's rest. " A nurse announced in the intercom again.

" Let's go. " Tyler said while walking to the east wing, reading a sign saying: Dormitories.

We went there and claimed a dorm that had a big window, and the others locked the door.

" {Nightfall} It seems like our dear sun has fallen asleep and the moon and night sky has awakened! Roamers of our dear sanatorium except for ze rooms connected to ze dormitories will not be punished and will not be put in isolation or quarantine! Have a good rest! Also please do not listen to ze voices outside, good night! " A nurse said in the intercom, hitting 8pm. A bell was slowed down and declaring it was nighttime.

" Can I get in the dorm room please? " A boy knocked on the metal bars on the door.

" Sure. " Tyler unlocked the door and let him in.

" Who are you? " Lauren said while bewildered.

" Oh! This is- Al-Alex! He's my best friend forever! " Tyler said while being shy.

" We know what he TRULY is to you, Tyler- " Leah said from the window gazing.

" Baka! " Tyler said.

" Soy? " Alex said.

" I know too though. " Alex said again.

" Did anyone tell him- " Tyler asked us.

" I totally did not. " Natalie going backwards to the corner.

" Gosh, Natalie- " Tyler said while sighing.

Noises came outside the dormitories, the sound became closer and closer. It was at the door.

" What unholy noises. " Alexa said while looking outside.

" What the heck is that monstrosity? " Alexa said while calm, seeing a spider, with a human head attached to it.

" The cannibals are out. " Leah said.

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