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Arg!? Another day another boring day. This was my normal routine waking up going to school going back home blah blah blah. The cycle continues.
    So I woke up today feeling very  unself, no word like that but you get it not feeling my usual self. Which is that am very jovial and optimistic. I did all morning routines and bid my parents goodbye and headed to the bus station.
   The bus was running late, I thought as I checked the watch. It was already 8a.m and my classes started at 8:30a.m. Shitface I was going to be late for my psychology class.
     So I had to take a cab cause I figured out the bus was not coming and I had a 25minute ride to school. To be certain I arrived in school just as the psychology teacher was handing out a quiz. You guessed it write I was an hour late to school cause apparently today the cabs were on a go slow strike.
   I sat down and got my quiz paper which apparently I had not read for. Thank the stars I passed with flying colors. Note the sarcasm. I did what I got to do and got myself a 40 which the passmark. Thank my geussing techniques I did not have to re-do the quiz.
   The rest of the classes went smoothly and right now am headed to the cafeteria to meet with my best friend and have some chicken nuggets and passion juice for lunch. I don't eat much but when it comes to anything meaty count me in.
    "Hey, meanie?" haha not entirely my best friend name but it's my nickname for her. She is just so mean with her food though. Meet Lynn my best friend she is chocolate in color and medium sized, she is 5'6 tall. She is the the closest to all I have but still not fully familiar with all my secrets. We have been best friends since high school.
   "Hey, Aud? How were your classes?" she asks after munching her chicken wing.
"It was uniquely spectacular." Note the sarcasm. It's my specialty being sarcastic. I tell her all my predicaments and we continue chatting on.
    "Have you heard there is a new guy in school but he is a senior?" One of my best friends specialty is gossip. "Rumors are that he is so hot. He is dark and has beard and his voice..." I had to cut her bubbling self cause I wouldn't hear the end of this. "Meanie, first I don't give a damn about him, two I don't care, and I have a boyfriend and you do too." This girl and talking, "Aud, if you see this guy you will want to break up with D." Wait! What did she say? Why would I break up with my boyfriend because of him. This girl must have eaten some rotten food or hit her head on some wall. "Why would you think I would do that?"
   "He is the hottie of the school and every girl is like drooling over him." One am not every girl and two I wouldn't be drooling on some guy. "Aud? Look he is at the door. Just check him out and tell me what you think."
   As I turn an look at the door what I see I must say he is one fine guy. Though I wouldn't tell him that or anyone else. "He is okay but not my type." I tell my bestie that as I continue eating. She looks at me in total disbelief but I don't mind my secrets are fine in my head.
  "Your such a lair, your whole face is betraying you." Okay, scratch what I said I need to get some training done to my face to clear my blushing. It doesn't take much to get me blushing, you just have to be in my liking zone for that.
    "Tomorrow D is playing their final match will you come with me?" I had to change the subject or I would have my head spinning with my besties talk about the guy. Luckily for me it doesn't take much to change the subject. "Yeah, I will. " And just like that I changed the subject to something more better.
   After our lunch we went to class and to say the least everything went super smoothly and know am in my locker stashing my books and ready to head home and sleep. The latter is far from true though I have so many things to do that sleeping comes around 11p.m.
   As they say today was not my day cause as I was heading to the doors someone thought it was good to bump on me. So know am on the floor trying to figure out what just happened.
"Here, let me help you." Wow! Am I dead cause I swear that was a male angel asking me. That voice is just... Breathtakingly adorable. "Madam?" What? Am I that old? Take all I said back, heck no, someone thinking am a granny?
   I stood myself up took my bag and headed out not glancing back at who the f*ck that was. I was so angry that I don't remember how I got home but am eating some chips which are my best and help me cool down. To be certain me and chips are besties nothing can come between us. You want to befriend me give me some chips and we are buddies. Take them away and we are sworn enemies.
    I remember sometime my brother found me eating chips and he took them. I chased his butt ass and I gave him a beating he has marks to remember that day and a reminder to not play with my chips.
     I was through with eating and I was in my study area trying to do some homework due tomorrow, when my phone beeped.

Unknown :sorry for earlier today in the hallway didn't mean to hit you.

Are you kidding me where did this guy get my number. He is a stalker, creepy. I didn't see his face to know who he was. So I did the logical thing and blocked him I don't need wierd, creepy guys texting me it's scary. 

    Although it bothered me to the core I ignored it and continued with my work. Tomorrow is another day to figure out the crazy person.
   It was almost 11p.m when I finished my homework, did some laundry and prepared tomorrow's schedule and outfit. As I was beginning to fall asleep that angelic voice kept ringing in my head and soothed me to sleep. And I thought to myself I will have to find out the owner. Although I had a face that I thought would fit in well with the voice.

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