20. The choice

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The angry crowd begrudgingly splits letting us pass, my father doesn't look at any of them as he walks straight through, slowly I pass down the line of my friends, a determination that this is not over gives me hope.

A while later my father pushes me into the carriage to move through the crowd and the valley quicker, the ride is quiet as we leave them all far behind us, I know they are following, they won't give up that easy but I hope they're planning something to get Aiden back.

"Why are you doing all this?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I already told you, this has to be done to put everything as it should be, Bree I know you don't but you have to trust me, no one understands, but when you face the maiden you will feel it." he assures me.

Something in me, as strange as it may seem is pulling me, making it very hard to fight the need to go, I think of all my friends who would rather see magic fall than loose Aiden or me.

The thought warms my heart but makes me fearful for the price they would pay for our lives. Even if they could save us, the closer I get, the stronger I feel it, the need to see her, my father looks at me with a warm smile on his face.

"You feel it don't you?" I nod and he leans down and places a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"I knew you would be the one to understand." he says wrapping an arm around me, as he rests his cheek to the top of my head, the simple act strangely brings me comfort.

"We have to put things right Bree. I know you will be strong enough to face this. All will become clear soon enough." he says attempting to comfort me.

I see the maiden coming into view, the small islands suspended in mid-air growing larger as we approach, it's then I see the massive drop where the valley ends abruptly.

My heart is racing now as we get closer my father looks down at me, noticing my growing distress as we reach the edge.

He gives my shoulder a light squeeze, the ground vanishes beneath us as the valley ends with a sheer drop that looks out to the in-between.

I close my eyes waiting for the sudden drop but after a few beats, it doesn't come, I open my eyes slowly and see the whole carriage traveling through the air on a road paved of blue light.

I can't help my mouth fall open in awe as we travel in a spiral upwards going higher and higher, the road sparkling beneath us. The stars in the night sky and the moon high make it a dazzling sight.

"I thought there was no magic here?" I ask.

"No, I said porting magic would not work here and this road is made by the wise ones, very few know how to use it." he comments.

The road ends at the massive island that holds the giant maiden statue, at her feet is a massive platform where I see my uncle with a blade to Aiden's throat and ropes of blue light binding him.

"Let him go!" I shriek launching myself from the carriage towards Aiden.

"NO!!" Aiden bellows, I freeze as my uncle pushes the dagger to stop him talking.

"Come Bree." my father says behind me.

He rests his hand at the small of my back to guide me toward them, Aiden is trying to shake his head despite his situation, I stop.

"Release him and I'll do as you ask, please just let him go." I beg.

"I'm sorry, my dear Bree but without him, I can't be sure you will do what needs to be done and I can't guarantee the others won't come to stop us." he states firmly.

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