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Two months. It's been two months ever since she closed the door behind her. Two months that I slept with her shirt folded by my pillow. Two months that I hope she'd find me once again. Uneasiness has filled most of my mornings and all of my nights, the quiet that has been haunting me has intensified, I longed for someone I don't even know the name of. I miss her blue eyes, I miss her smile, both of which I'd see in vivid color when I closed my eyes. I scolded myself every time I found myself thinking about her, every time I'd make an excuse to go back to the pub and hope she'd sit beside me once again, every time I'd lose my mind and chase a rando with short cropped blonde hair, always disappointing myself in the end, most of them had blue eyes, but never as bright as hers.

"'ya done with that?" I look up, Brandon sat in front of my desk, trying his best to pull off a smoldering smile, it never works.

"Almost. Have you talked to the publisher about the dates? Please do send my thanks for her consideration" he nods,

"yeah, they were kinda iffy about the extension but they know I'll sell out" I look at him questioningly "they think I'm Olivia. A middle aged white man with a patchy beard. Yup, Olivia all the way" I shook my head. At least they can play with that thought for a while. I don't bother questioning him, he seems to find it humorous. He doesn't leave, he stays standing there, going through a number of letters and bills, Can he not do that at his desk. He's breathing my air.

"Need anything else?" I ask not looking up from my work. Subconsciously trying to prove a point that I was indeed busy.

"Last thing- came for 'ya" he places down an envelope over the paper I was writing on. Crisp white, fully squared with accents of gold going around to outline the paper, sealed with blue wax, it looked too elegant for just a random letter. Delicate calligraphy over the back, it merely said my pen name.

"where did this come from?"

"not sure, though, ever since we had that thing with the P.O. Box with the fans, all this mail has come through, I oughta task Roger with reading all these, keep 'im occupied instead of buggin' me" He goes to give me another one but I stop him, my hand raising before he can place it down.

"Later. Thank you Brandon that'll be all" he shrugs and walks away. Opening the door he stops and looks back at me

"while I'm here, can I interest you to dinner this Friday?" you'd think after rejecting him the last fifteen times he'd get the message. I shook my head

"Michael's in town" quickly giving a nod he dashed out of the door before I could blink. He has always been afraid of him.. I wonder why.

Running my nail under the wax I carefully push it up to open the envelope. Slowly pulling out the contents I realize that it was an invitation.

Ms. Olivia Clement,
This letter is to cordially invite you to the 25th birthday of my sister, to be held at our Father's estate this upcoming Friday,

I read further, A child of a Senator, of course, these brats always feel so entitled to everything

My sister is a great fan of your work and meeting you would mean a great deal to her. I will patiently hope for your attendance, directions to the estate is included in this letter.
Regards, Vance D.

I sigh, looking that the pile of papers and chapters I am yet to be pleased with, I debate on whether I should go. What kind of gift would it be to a 25-year-old to meet her favorite writer. If I were her I'd rather wish for a car, or money perhaps. It's on Friday, I have nothing else to do but drink myself to insanity. My door slams open and I almost crumpled up the paper.

"'Ey! Michael just called and asked how you were, he had to go quick cause of something but I managed to ask if he was going here. He ain't. So how bout that dinner?"

"I'm attending a senator's party."



This is the third shop I've been in. Short halters aren't really suitable for a party of this caliber, I am fully aware that there will be statesmen and celebrities milling around at such an event. I'm not about to make a fool of myself around them. Though I still have no intentions of revealing my identity, I still have to look decent. Half-way decent.. hmm. that was one of the last things she said to me. Walking further into the shop I find a long white gown that shimmered in the light. This could work.. It was subtle, elegant, but doesn't attract too much attention. Though it does look to be missing something. Shrugging away the thought I purchase the item, I was exhausted and the night was creeping up on me, I'd rather go home now than spend the rest of my evening trying to find a 'perfect' dress. As it was being put in a bag I feel a tap on my shoulder, my heart quickens as I expected her blue eyes once again.

"Ma'am?" looking over I see that it was someone that worked here, damn.. "the- uh. the lady over there-" she looks back and points but we both see no one "huh. well, whoever that was she wanted me to give you this, said it looked nice with the dress" Giving me a pink box that contained black belt with with a black and gold ribbon made of glass in the middle of it. it does look amazing..

"This does look fitting, let me just-" I turn to pay but I am told that it was already paid for.

I walk out of the shop somewhat confused yet somewhat thankful to whoever that was.

should I but a gift?

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