What is Little Space? Get to Know The Topic And More!

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Little space is when a person acts younger then they really are to cope with things such as stress, abuse, mental illnesses, depression, anxiety, SAD, ect..
I use little space to cope with depression, stress, anxiety, SAD, abuse, family death, and more. :3

What is SAD?
Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Many people have this and don't even know, so a suggest you look this up and get to understand the topic better!

What is The Little Space Age Limit?
There is no age limit to little space! You can act as young as you want and be as old as you are. I'm a young minor (definitely younger than most of you here) and my little space age is around 0-7, a pretty wide age range for being a little.

What is a Caregiver(s)?
A person who takes care of little when the little is in little space. The relationship does not have be romantic or sexual, it can be just best friends or even siblings or cousins. Sometimes supportive parent(s)/guardian(s) of littles will be their caregiver(s) until the little finds another caregiver to take care of them while in little space. Any little can have more than one caregiver.

What is DDLG?
DDLG stans for Daddy Dom Little Girl. This does not have to little space. DDLG can also be an umbrella term for DDLB (Daddy Dom Little Boy), MDLB (Mommy Dom Little Boy), MDLG (Mommy Dom Little Girl), CGLB (Caregiver Little Boy), CGLG (Caregiver Little Girl), CGL (Caregiver Little), MDL (Mommy Dom Little), DDL (Daddy Dom Little), and other terms such as (MD/CG/DD)LC (Little Child) and more.
Though DDLG can very much be the NSFW part of little space, it is very offensive to call them the same thing. When referring to the NSFW (Not Safe For Work/R-Rated/Sexual) part of little space, just say "NSFW Little Space" and you'll be good! Partners who are not CG (caregiver/s) + little(s) can participate in acting younger when having sex and referring to the other(s) as Daddy/Mommy/Baby/ect.. They don't have to use the pet-names and can just act younger than they are. This is a form of Sexual Roleplay, a kink when partners who are sexually active. Roleplay can also be SFW (Safe For Work/not sexual) and does not have to be romantic! Non-romantic and only sexual roleplay can also be a thing, as well as non-sexual and only romantic.

Back to the kinks, this is not pedophilia. Pedophilia is when an adult or minor is attracted to adults (if minor) or minors (if adults.

Any questions about little space related things cam be left here or in my DMs and I'll respond when I see it. You may request anonymously or be put in the chapter for the answer to your question!

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