A Tragic Story (Introduction)

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Marinette, a teenage orphan in Arendelle. She had escaped from the Enchanted Forest when she was very young. You must be thinking why the Enchanted Forest? Didn't Elsa and Anna fix everything? Well exactly they did but soon things took a turn.......Prince Hans now King Hans imprisoned his elder brothers after their parents died, except his only small brother whom he loved dearly, Prince Adrien. He took over his kingdom and attacked Arendelle during Anna and Kristoff's wedding and took over the kingdom. He imprisoned Anna and Kristoff along side the General. Now....Where was Elsa at the time? Elsa the fifth element had gotten sick during the time and wasn't able to make it. It was an rare sickness she had gotten and would take few weeks or months to recover from. King Hans had quite evil plans in his head. He built not 1 dam but 3 dams. When the spirits got to know they didn't become angry instead they became weak and powerless. The rock giants fell into a deep sleep and the water horse also a spirit was never seen again after he had gone for a ride alone in the black sea. Elsa became more weak and her health was not too good but she was ok and could survive. She only now had gale, who was not strong as before and couldn't make tornadoes, etc and Bruni, the fire spirit. Soon the Enchanted forest was covered by magical fog and mist.

Now...Marinette had escaped because when the Giants were going into a deep sleep it was all so sudden that they just fell down on the ground, causing major earthquakes killing many people. Marinette's adoptive parents told her to run away with her small friend, yak whom she called Froze because a giant was going to fall their way. Marinette was only 7 years so she did as her parents told her and bid them goodbye and ran away on her small yak thinking it was ok and she will see her parents again. What she didn't know this was going to be her last goodbye to them. She ran straight to the magical mist that covered the Forest. She just ran with Froze not knowing where she was headed. She was getting tired and sat on froze who then ran with full speed as she giggled. She closed her eyes. After a while when Froze got tired they looked around and noticed they were in a strange town name Arendelle. She shrugged and sat down near the end of the town all alone with only Froze. Some minutes passed and then hours. Soon it was night time and Marinette got tired of waiting and looked around. She was hungry. Her stomach grumbled. She looked up and saw an old man with a kind face looking at her and offering her some warm milk and bread. She immediately grabbed it and ate the bread as she sat down. The old man chuckled and sat down beside her. "What are you doing all alone here?" He said. "My parents told me to run. The earth was shaking and I could hear scream everywhere. I ran and came here. I am waiting for my parents Mr. Turtle." She said as she drank the milk. He understood what happened with she parents and looked at her with sympathy. "Why are calling me Mr. Turtle?" He asked. "Oh! I saw that small bracelet of yours on your hand! There was an cute little turtle in the middle!"

"Well! That is not my name. My name is Wang Fu!" He exclaimed looking at her cute face stuffed with bread in it. "Wang fu? That is weird. I will call you fu or Mr. Turtle!" She exclaimed. "What about you little lady?" He said. "Me!? My name is Marinette!" She exclaimed. Suddenly they heard metal clanking noises. "Who's there?!" They heard a bold voice boom. Master fu's eyes widen. He picks up Marinette as fast as he could and left her in front of an orphanage. He then disappeared in the shadows. She looked around confused at why he left. She then heard footsteps near her. She looked up and saw two men weirdly dressed up looking at her. "What are you doing out at this time kid? Aren't you supposed be in your room right now that Miss Bustier must have assigned to you?" One of them said. She looked at them confused. The secound man knocked on the door. Caline opened the door and looked at them scared. "W-what happened?" She stuttered. She knew how cruel King Hans could be. Has she done anything wrong? "I advice you that you take care of the orphans or King Hans could behead you or destroy the orphanage!" The secound man said in a cold voice which made Marinette shiver. "W-what bu-?" Caline stuttered as the soldier picked up Marinette and froze kept her in her arms and went away, closing the door.

"So who are you little lady?" Caline asked. Marinette smiled at the nickname. It reminded her of Mr. Turtle. "I am Marinette! I don't where I am and I can't find my parents. Also this is my friend! His name is Froze." She said as introduced froze. "Well...You can stay here till your parents come and find you. Till then you can live with Alya and Chloe in their room!" Caline said. Marinette looked at her confused. In her village she knew everyone there but this is new to her. "Who are they?" She asked. "Just a minute dear. Chloe! Alya!" Caline shouted."Coming!" Marinette heard w voices and a chorus of giggling. She saw two girl same age as hers come downstairs. "Who's she Miss?" Alya says as she points to Marinette. "She is going to live with us. She is your new friend! Marinette this is Alya and chloe! Chloe, Alya this is Marinette." Caline says as she introduces them. "Hello! And this is my friend Froze!" Marinette says pointing to her yak friend who nuzzled into her side. "Cool!" Chloe says as she pets froze. "He likes you!" Marinette said to chloe who was cuddling with froze. "C'mon! Let's show you our room!" Alya said as she dragged Marinette upstairs. "Hey! Wait for me!" Chloe says as she runs up behind them with froze hot on her tail. Caline giggles. After years of living at the orphanage Marinette know was really smart, confident, athletic. She soon learned that she was a northludra and from the magical enchanted forest which was never seen and also learned her parents died when she escaped. She had triend finding the Enchanted forest but couldn't find it. Arendelle also had protector Chat noir and Carapace. She had heard of him but never met him. She took quite a interest in sword fighting and archery and other types of sports. When she was 12 she met Fu again who trained her in every type of sport for 1 year and then her dissapeared and was never seen again. Only Mr. Turtle (Sorry! IDK why but I just love this nickname for fu!), Chloe and Alya and Alix who came to the orphanage a year later knew who she was actually was and where she was from. Now onto Adrien's side of the story.

Adrien was a kind blonde. He loved horse riding and fencing ever since he was little. He dearly loved his brothers especially Hans who always spent so much time with him while he is elder brother handled the royal duties with their parents. When he was 7 years old his parents had gone out but got killed while going through the dark sea. After a few weeks his elder brothers dissapeared and he never saw them again. His brother Hans now the king said they had gone for a long trip and they don't know when they will come back. Unknown to him, his elder brothers were imprisoned by his dear brother Hans. After some months and Adrien's birthday passed by and he was 8 now. Hans said that they are going somewhere. When they reached Arendelle during the wedding Adrien was not allowed to go out of his room so he doesn't know what is going on. After some hours when he came out he discovered he was in another kingdom but Hans said that now it was there kingdom and they were going to live here. While Adrien was exploring the castle on his own, Hans secretly shifted his elder brothers into Arendelle's prison which was located on the west of the castle where Anna, Kristoff and the general were imprisoned. Ever since then he lived in the castle with only one best friend, Nino. He was not allowed to go out of the castle alone and he was never allowed to go the west of the castle. After he was 13 he learned the truth on his own with Nino. He decided not to confront Hans about it or else there is a slight chance he would imprison him. When he was 15 he then thought atleast he could protect the kingdom along with his best bud Nino. Ever since then Carapace and Chatnoir were the protectors of Arendelle and the most wanted by the king.

Until one day....Something will change their lives forever.......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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