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As hard these 3 years was for tasha it was same for malay too. He kept on searching tasha with nothing as a clue except for her voice. But despite everything he didnt lost hope and kept on going, because of the power he had as the heir of new leaf, he overused it to search for seher. This created conflict between him and his dad. As the CEO of new leaf, his father was responsible for everything. Whatever malay did , his father was the one who got the blame. He tried to stop malay but he was too stubborn to listen.

He stopped attending college, drinking, late night clubs. He let out his frustration by doing all these things. Which made the matter more complicated. But he was determined to find tasha, he searched almost every single girl of the city. Made a copy of her voice by the help of technicians. He spent a lot of money but still failed. His condition was worsening day by day then finally a ray of hope appeared in front of him at the coffee shop, when he heard tashas voice again. He followed her, but couldnt see her face and she vanished. His world was alive again, the emotions he was feeling were not normal, there was a rush of adrenaline in his whole body, heartbeats were faster then the normal ones. If his BP were to be measured then it would sure be 150/ 100 overexcited heart, faster beats because of excess secretion of adrenaline, he felt almost breathless. This thing it wasnt normal at all, and also it doesnt happen all the time, all this happen just because of tashas voice, thats how powerful and meaningful her voice was to malay. It was the first time in 3 years that he smiled. For a moment the time stopped around him all he could think was the first time he heard tasha. That blurry image of her played in front of his eyes , due to his head injury he couldnt see her face clearly but he remembered her blurry face.

Then suddenly the barista shouted –

dr. you left your card here

Malay – its the card of the girl whom you were talking too right ?

Barista – yes sir dr. left it here.

Malay – give it to me Ill give it back to her..

Barista – but we cant give it to you sir, we dont know if you really know her. We can t trust you with our customers belonging.

Malay- thats understandable but I am her employer , I am the heir of new leaf the place she works, and you can have my number, address and whatever to make you satisfy and so you can trust.

Malay gave the barista all his information including phone number, address, workplace address and number etc.

After getting the card from barista, he immediately rushed to the hospital and then to the psychology department. There he saw seher in her office, 3 years may sound a bit less but for malay they were the longest years of his life, as he didn t saw tashas face clearly , when he saw seher he thought she is the one whom he was looking for all these years and there was a very light difference in seher and tashas voice which made things more complicated but little did he knew how much more complicated and twisted his and others life were going to be after this. He realized that he just kept staring her for a while until seher noticed him.

Seher- hello sir , do you have an appointment here?

Malay – not really but can I get one dr. seher ?

Seher – yes of course sir but you need to get it from the reception. Or my assistant can help you.

Malay – ya sure, anythings fine.

Malay got appointment from sehers assistant and he started meeting seher, posing to be ill. This continued for about 2 months but seher started to get suspicious as she realized that malay wasnt really ill or had any condition. Then one day she saw an article on the hospitals website regarding the announcement of the companys future CEO. Malay was featured in the article, that was the moment she realized that he was alright and was just posed to be ill. But why, why would he do that, what reason did he had ? all these questions was swarming in her head, and then she collided with tasha in the corrider.

Tasha – easy there, where you going bestie ?

Seher – ohh tasha sorry I didnt saw you there.

Tasha – its fine, what happened you look anxious, confused and angry at the same time.

Seher – its a long story babes, I dont know anything now my head it hurting so much, I cant think much.

Tasha – our shifts about to get over lets talk over dinner whats say.

Seher – sounds good and its been a while since we ate together. After you recovered.

Tasha – ya youre right, we can talk about life together again and also our future.

Seher – yes definitely theres so much Ive been dying to vent on you.

Tasha – I am always here for you dear BFF.

After both there shift got over, tasha and seher went to there favorite restaurant for dinner, there seher told tasha about everything and also asked her what she should do next.

Tasha - this thing sure is complicated but if you want to know why he did what he did you definitely need to confront him and ask him nicely you know have a nice talk. Whats say ?

Seher – hmm.. damn girl youre right why such a simple thing came into my head.

Tasha – when we are confused or have too much on our mind our brain releases too many chemicals which retards our thinking and logic abilities, thats why we cant think straight when we are in crises and make rash decisions. So for result you should consult someone else about your problems.

Seher – now I know why you are a top doctor of the country.

Tasha - you sound like you doubted me all these time.

Seher – of course not, just complimenting you. So I should talk to him about this right, ahh I am so nervous how am I going to break the ice ? this is bad.

Tasha - Ill be fine dont worry I am sure he might have a valid reason for what he did.

Seher – youre right.

Seher wasnt totally honest with tasha, she hid something from her, about her feelings towards malay, she started having them long now, she was scared as if what was going to happen next. But still she decided to talk to malay. She texted him to meet her next day at her office @11 am. Malay responded quickly with an ok sign. What awaited all of there life, they had totally no idea.

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