Tomorrow At Seven

166 8 0

Pairing: Arthur Curry x Reader

Word Count: 1,422

Warning: Mentions of Drinking

Summary: The reader attends a party that Bruce throws, she meets a man named Arthur.

Summary: The reader attends a party that Bruce throws, she meets a man named Arthur

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Opening the door you were greeted with a symphony of classical music. Your friends had somehow talked you into another extravagant party that Bruce was throwing. Grasping the rail, you gingerly made your descent down the stairs. Glancing around the room, you had missed the tall, long haired man standing at the bottom of the stairs. His gaze bore into you. Once you were close enough he cleared his throat.

"Can I help you?" His deep voice pulling you out of your trance. His aqua eyes held your gaze. Not trusting your voice, you nodded. Extending a hand, you grasped it allowing him to help you down the stairs. Surprisingly, he pulled your hand around his arm allowing him to tug you closer to him.

"My name's Y/N." You stated softly, batting your eyelashes.

"Arthur." He spoke in a gruff tone.

Leading you to the bar, you gazed at the people around you. Many of the women sending daggers your way at the close proximity between you and Arthur. Heat began rising in your cheeks.

"What can I get you both?" The bartender questioned.

Ordering your drinks, it didn't take long before your friends were rushing up to you.

"Y/N!" Victor and Barry exclaimed in unison.

Their excitement made a toothy grin dance along your lips.

"Hey guys!" You greeted, hugging both men.

"You came!" Barry exclaimed.

Tilting your head to the side, you gazed at them. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Both men began happily, chatting about what had happened before you got there. Filling you in on anything they could. Sneaking glances at the man beside you, he began looking bored and irritated. Frowning you didn't want to both him.

"Guys, do you mind if we talk somewhere else?" You started. "I...I don't want to block the bar from anyone."

Nodding in agreement, both men held out their elbows ready to escort you. Downing the rest of your drink, you snaked your arms through theirs as they lead you towards a window to stand by. Unsurprisingly, Arthur didn't follow. A women quickly replaced your position. Shaking your head, jealousy began rising in your veins. It was silly of you to think you had a sliver of a chance with someone as attractive as him. Frowning you turned your attention back to your friends.

"Yeah!" Barry spoke voice filled with giddy. "You have to come with us next time!"

Both men turned to you, looking at you like children in a candy shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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