
181 3 0

Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader

Word Count: 1,683

Warning: Swearing, Making out

Summary: When Tom falls ill, his estranged son comes back into the reader's life bringing more than she bargained for.

Leaning against your shut apartment door, you closed your eyes letting out a deep breath

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Leaning against your shut apartment door, you closed your eyes letting out a deep breath. It had been a long day at the diner, with many rude customers. Tossing your bag onto the floor, you made your way to the couch, laying across it. Pulling your phone out, you began looking through your notifications. There was a voicemail from Tom Curry.

As you listened to it, you picked up your purse before you made your way back out of your apartment. Starting your beat up pickup truck, you began driving to Tom's house. It was 11:30pm. Tom was friends with your parents when they were still alive, which resulted in you and Arthur becoming best friends. He had been acting strange as of late, but you knew not to pressure him knowing he would tell you in his own time.

The message that Tom had left you, made your heart beat more rapid. You spent most of the drive worrying about what could be wrong. When Arthur's mother died, it took a huge toll on him and his father. Your relationship was simply platonic, although many people thought you were together due to your closeness.

Flinging open the car door, you had barely put it in park before you jumped out of the truck.

"Tom?" You called frantically. "Tom?"

Your frantic feelings coming through when you knocked on the door. It was rapid and firm.

"Tom!" You called again. "It's Y/N! Open up!"

Still no answer. Fear began coursing through your veins. Letting out a sigh, you kicked the door open, debris flying.

"Tom?" You called cautiously entering his house. An odd feeling overwhelming you.

Slowing entering the house further, you glanced around the house. Stepping through the threshold for the kitchen you saw him lying on the floor motionless.

"Tom!" You shrieked, quickly kneeling beside him. Pulling out your phone you were about to call 911, before you remembered it would be at least ten minutes before they got to you. Grabbing one of his arms you hoisted him up, getting him into the truck. Exceeding the normal speed limit, it was a few minutes before you arrived at the hospital. Hosting him up again, you trudged through the emergency room.

"Someone please help!" You called.

A group of nurses quickly surrounding you, taking Tom and placing him on a hospital bed.

Watching them take Tom into a room, you quickly made your way back to your truck parking it somewhere safe. Making your way back towards the ER, you pulled your phone out calling Arthur.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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