-Chapter one-

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I laid down next to my best friend Ellie and out a sigh, "What to do? I'm so bored" She laughed and looked at me for a moment as if she was thinking. "We could finally find you a boyfriend" She joked. "Haha, your hilarious" We both laughed and walked out of my bedroom.

"We could like, watch a movie?" She suggested grabbing a block of chocolate from the kitchen. "Yeah, I guess. Pizza?" She smiled and threw my phone to me. I woke my screen and saw a notification sitting there. I paused. I didn't know if I was dreaming and if I was, I didn't know what to do next.

Ellie noticed my stiffness and walked over to me. "What's up? What happened?" She asked looking over my shoulder. "Vinnie Hacker commented on my post" She raised her eyebrow and snatched my phone. I phone got another notification and I snatched my phone back. "He just followed me"

I looked up at her and she had a grin on her face. "What?" I laughed walking into the living room. "See, I told you we'd find you a boyfriend" I rolled my eyes and sat on the sofa. "Me and Vinnie Hacker? No chance" I laughed and rested my head on her shoulder.

She pushed me off her and shook her head, "No, Dm him. He obviously followed you for a reason" She stated handing me my phone from the coffee table. I shook my head. "No. He probably followed me by accident."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my phone from me, She ran up the stairs and into my bedroom locking the door behind her. "Come on Ellie it's not funny!" I pouted banging on the door. "I think it is" She laughed.

Vinnie's POV:

I honestly hate Sundays. There's always nothing to do and the next day you have to go to school. I didn't even bother to get out of bed yet, There wasn't much point. No one was home and my friends were catching up on school assignments.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. I opened Instagram and liked some of my friends posts, dm'd a few fans back, watched some reels and started looking through my explore page.

My explore page was boring as usual. But one thing caught my eye, more specifically, A person. She was honestly one of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen. I commented on her post and clicked on her profile.

I had a quick debate with myself weather I should followed her or not. I followed her and looked at some more of her posts before I got a dm from her.

Alexis may

Hey! How are

Hi! I'm good.

Your POV:

Ellie finally opened the door with a grin on her face. "Your welcome Alexis! I got his number for you!" She smiled and skipped the down the hallway and plopped herself down on the couch and turned Netflix. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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