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❤️ Y/N P.O.V.

Do you ever find yourself staring at someone, and then you stare for a bit too long and then oop-

"What?" the tall guy with dark blue hair asked.

I pretended to look somewhere else even though I know I already got caught staring.

"Hey short-stuff." he said, "Tell me your name."

I stiffened. Short-stuff? Usually, I'd be pissed and come up with some kind of smart remark, but because this guy was handsome, and we were on a quiet train, I didn't really know how to react.

"Y/N." I muttered in a low tone averting my eyes to the floor.

"Oh yeah? We're in the same class."

No duh, dummy. I thought. I sit right in front of you. Oh, but you wouldn't know that because you're always sleeping in class, and snoring, too! I glared at him. He flicked my forehead.


"Walk to school with me."

Huh? Was that a question? It sounded more like a demand. Either way, I clenched my school bag tightly as a blush formed across my face.


How can I say no to the great Aomine? The train stopped, and we both got off. I struggled to keep up with him as his long legs seemed to just carry him. With every step I took, I was always a step behind. I don't think I was walking next to him at any point on the way to school. I was always trailing behind him in his shadow.

"Who's that person walking with Aomine-kun?"

"I don't think I've ever seen them before..."

"Looks pretty bland to me."

I heard people talking about me in the courtyard, and my walking came to a halt. I felt attacked. Should I continue to walk with him? Maybe this wasn't a good idea...

"What are you doing?" Aomine asked before grabbing my hand in his, "Let's go."

I stumbled over my own feet while trying to keep up with him. We're holding hands?!

"Your hands are small and soft..." he said all of a sudden.

Now that I think about it, his hands were quite big and firm. I'd expect nothing less from a basketball player. I looked up at him and flashed a big smile.

"I can't believe I'm holding hands with the great Aomine-kun."

His sapphire blue eyes widened before returning to his normal gaze, and he released my hand before walking away. I felt dejected. But why...? The warmth I felt from his hand lingered on mines for only a moment before disappearing all together.

💙 Aomine P.O.V.

Don't smile at me like that Y/N. Covering my face with my hand, I blushed hoping no one would notice. You're too damn cute...

❤️ Y/N P.O.V.

Why do I feel pissed for some reason? How dare he. He's the one who asked me to walk to school with him. I walked into the classroom noticing Aomine sitting with his head laying on the desk. I shook my head. No one but you can beat you at basketball, but anyone can beat you at academics.

As if he read my mind, he sat up and glared at me.

"You're really not my type. They're just too small for my standards." he said all of a sudden while looking at my chest.

I have the sudden urge to strangle this guy. I heard some of my classmates laugh, and I bit my tongue to resist the temptation of lashing out on him. Crossing my arms over my chest, I sat down defeated letting out a sigh. Ahomine...

About halfway through class, I felt something touching my shoulder. I flinched thinking it was a spider or a bug.

"Hey Y/N." Aomine whispered, "Got a pencil I can borrow? I broke mines."

I turned in my chair looking at the pencil he somehow broke in half. Damn. I took a pencil out of my pencil case and handed it to him without saying a word before turning around. I can't tell if I like or dislike this guy.

"Thanks Y/N." he whispered into my ear.

Those words sent chills up my spine as my face grew hot. My heart is going on a rollercoaster ride...

Butterflies 🦋 [Aomine × Reader] KNBWhere stories live. Discover now