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Kill wakes up running to the toilet throwing up for a good 5 minutes she brushed her teeth and washed her face after she was done
She was trying to Rember if vallyk wore a condom or not
Kill- oh no I can't be pregnant at 13 fuck wtf am I gonna dooooo
Kill texted her older sista

Lil sis = Killuminati
Big sis= Royalty
Lil sis
Royalty I need your help
Big sis
What do you need ? Is it important?
Lil sis
Yeah I'm don't tell mom but I need you to take me to cvs to get a pregnancy test please
Big sis
Wtf kill why? Why the fuck and who the fuck was you fucking at 13 Yk what it don't even matter I'm not gonna tell mom but I'll take you to get one get dressed .
Lil sis
(Messages end)
I get dressed in this

And got in the car with royalty (her nickname is Royal but I'm gonna put the first initial of their name to make it shorter and easier 🥲)R- Alright so who did you have sex with ? K- vallyk and i know what your think he just turned 17 but we liked...

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And got in the car with royalty (her nickname is Royal but I'm gonna put the first initial of their name to make it shorter and easier 🥲)
R- Alright so who did you have sex with ?
K- vallyk and i know what your think he just turned 17 but we liked each other when he was 16 so I don't think it's wrong plus he isn't even grown yet 🙂
*10 minutes*
We successfully made it to cvs and got 4 pregnancy tests and made it back home rme and royalty go in my bathroom she watch's me take them 3 came positive and 1 negative
Killuminati drops to the floor crying
K- what if vallyk doesn't wanna be a dad ? *sobs*

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