I don't even care if im wrong right now.

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Grayson's POV

I hear the alarm buzz so loud I feel like the top floor can hear it. I look at my phone and seen I'm late for my class. Ever since I came back and the time change it's been different.

I get dressed as quick as possible and head out of the door running on the campus. I go into the hallway and open my class door.

I analyze the room and where the empty seats were. The only one left was right next to this pretty girl. Well hot actually.

I walk up the stairs and walk over to the empty seat.

G: "hi. is this seat taken?"
?: "well it is by you"

She smiles out.

Ok Grayson get your act together you have a girlfriend now and love her. You don't want to fuck it up. Cause again. You love her.

?: "Amelia"

I look at her confused

G: "what?"
?: "sorry"

She chuckles out

?: "I'm Amelia"
G: "nice to meet you..I'm Grayson"
A: "nice to meet you pretty boy"

We both smile at each other.

I get out my books and everything I need for this long class.

A: "I seen you around before. But I knew you're dating Paige so-"
G: "I'm not dating Paige anymore"
A: "oh well good to know"

She smirks out.

As I just smile back at her.


Finally class is over.

I pack my stuff and seen Amelia was waiting for me.

A: "hurry up pretty boy"

I put my books in my handbag And follow her down the stairs.

G: "is that my nick name for you"
A: "yea. Or if you want something more normal like gray?"
G: "Na pretty boys good"
A: "why? you don't like being called gray?"

She says confused

G: "no it's just that my girlfriend only calls me that"

We go out of the class room and to the outside campus

A: "oh..wow you work fast with the lady's huh?"
G: "I'm not fast we just been best friends when we were babies mostly"
A: "aww that's cute"
G: "yea"
A: "so does she go to school here?"
G: "no. She goes to UCLA"
A: "aww that's cute"
G: "yea..you remind me of her though"
A: "really like what?"
G: "well you both are very pretty and you guys have the same smile"
A: "well thanks for calling me pretty. Pretty boy"
G: "and you both have nicknames for me"
A: "well it suits you better than Grayson"
G: "I'll take that as a compliment"

We both smile out

G: "we should hangout if your free tonight?"
A: "yea sure"

I get out my phone and give it to her. She quickly types her name and phone number in and gives it to me

G: "thanks"
A: "anytime pretty boy"

She walks off going to her next class as I do the same. I go into my class and getting the best seats I could find. I text Amelia saying hey so she can save my number for later. I go to my home screen and see me and Kacie. I really do miss her. I had some spare time so I went on my phone to see photos and videos. Mostly just her smile that makes me fall in love with her everytime. It made me sad but she's not gone she's one phone call away. But why does it feel like I'm not in a relationship when I can't feel her or look at her, or when I would wake her up in the morning, her laughs, her everything.

I really miss her.


After class ended I pack up my notes, papers and head out of the door. I walk to the dorms and unlock my room.

I throw the keys on the kitchen and backpack on the floor.

I look at my dorm and see messy, dirty shit everywhere. I take a deep breath and start cleaning to clear my mind.

Like how Kacie used to say "a clean room a clear open mind"

I put some music on to pass time. Mostly I just don't want to do my work really. So this is how I want to pass time. No work, or girls on my mind.

Just me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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