What does Osamu think of you

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Aries: A lot nicer than people give them credit for.

Sagittarius: How do they have so much energy all the time?

Leo: So loyal it's kinda weird.


Taurus: Can someone find a away to stop them from stealing my food?

Virgo: I feel bad that they always end up looking after someone.

Capricorn: They're so quite, are they plotting a murder.


Aquarius: They always have the weirdest ideas.

Gemini: I have never seen someone talk to so many people.

Libra: Can they even make any type of desicion.


Cancer: Atsumu teases them a lot, everytime they look so done with him.

Scorpio: So this is the one Atsumu hangs out with a lot?

Pisces: I thought they were supposed to be purer.

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