We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals

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(Just to let you guys know this will be the whole episode not parts so all of them will be kind of long) Cursing will also be in this story FYI (Y/N means your name)
In Russia October 1 1989, there were woman in the pool in one line. A woman in a yellow swimsuit and a red swim cap looked at the man in the blue trunks. They looked at each other then he walked to her bench that she was sitting on. Their shoulders were touching and he leaned in for a kiss. The woman rejected him(Hay I don't know how to speak Russian) then one of the swimming coaches tapped on the glass and told them no. The woman in the yellow swimsuit kissed him on the cheek and ran and jumped in the pool. The man in the blue swim trunks got off the bench and tried to find her in the water. One of the woman in the swimming group looked and saw blood in the pool. The woman who saw the blood tapped on the woman in front of her and soon the other woman noticed too. Soon all of the woman in the pool noticed the coach told them to keep on training. The man in the blue swim trunks told her that there was something happening under the water. She soon noticed then the woman in the yellow swimsuit came from the water. The woman was screaming at the top of her lungs. The other woman in the pool were in horror as the woman's stomach grew as she was 9 moths pregnant in just a few seconds. All of the woman in the pool got her out she was giving birth as the man in the blue swim trunks went to see if the woman was ok. As he did so she had given birth.
43 woman across the world have given birth on the 12th hour of the first day of October 1 1989. The strange thing is that none of these woman were pregnant when the day first began. Sir Renginald Hargreeves billionaire and explorer had a mission to get as many of these children as possible. He walked into the hospital hallway as he took off his glove to examine the child. "How much do you want for it?" he asked while looking at the same woman from the pool. She looked at him confused not knowing English. He said it again it in her language.
Sir Renginald Hargreeves got 8 of these children. Number one Luther he has super strength. Number two Diego he has perfect aim. Number three Allison she has mind control. Number four Klaus he can speak to the dead. Number Five he has space and time travel. Number six Ben he had the ability to summon tentacled monsters. Number seven seven Vanya she didn't have any powers. Number eight Y/N she had telekinesis and energy manipulation. Sir Renginald Hargreeves calls them The Umbrella Academy he had them in a big house with 43 rooms for all of the children he failed to find.
Luther got up from the bed and groaned. He got into the kitchen and touch his plant then watered it. He soon put on his space suit and headed out of the small house on the moon. He grabbed the trash bag and put it with a big pile of trash. He walked over to where the sun was setting. As he looked at the sun he got a notification from a device on his space suit. The robotic woman told him from the device. He did a small tear that slid across his face as he looked at the sun setting.
The robbers were looking for something else to steal. The family was tied up and was crying as Diego came from the shadows and attacked the  armed robbers. The armed robbers were screaming things like "What the hell!?" or "Who is this guy!?". Diego got all of the men one by one. Once he was done with the men he slid his knife covered in blood across his leg. "Your family is safe now." he said to the scared family. He walked into the family's living room and looked at the tv.            
Allison was about to walk on the red carpet as she was walking the photographers were asking her multiple questions. In till someone came up to one of the photographers and told them something. "Allison! Allison have you heard the news?!" then soon all most all of the photographers were shouting at her asking questions about her family. Things like "Allison when was the last time you heard from you brothers?!" or things like "Allison are you going to wear vilintino to the funeral?!". She walked off of the red carpet with a fake smile.
Klaus got up from the top bunked bed and took a sigh. "Hay you stay strong I believe in you buddy." He said to his rehab roommate. "You not so much" he said to the man in another bunk bed they both laughed at the joke. Klaus walked out of the room he walked to the counter to get his things back.(sorry I don't know why he got that coin ) "See you soon Klaus." the man said as he gave him the coin. Klaus kissed the coin then walked out. Klaus went in a alleyway to grab his stash. He woke up took off his breathing mask and laughed in excitement. Klaus high-fived the guy next to him. He then looked at the small tv next to him.
Vanya stopped playing the violin to the lights being turned on she sighed then packed her violin. She walked in the rain alone then she stopped when she saw the tv threw the glass from a store. "Dad" she said with a sad tone in her voice once she saw the T.V.
Your POV
I was in my office writing my new story "Faster Than The Speed Of Love" when my friends Trisha and Karizma who were over came into the room. "Hay you might wanna see this." Trisha said." Yeah and be prepared Y/N."Karizma said while I got up really confused. We walk into my living room with the news on the tv. "Sir Renginald Hargreeves reported dead last night." I look at the tv not knowing what or how to feel. Sad or happy? I had all of those emotions at that moment then Trisha and Karizma look at me. "Hay you ok?" Trisha says to me but I am so lost in thought that I don't reply for awhile. Then I get back to my senses and reply. "Y/N?" Karizma says when I don't answer."What? Oh ya sorry I was in deep thought for a sec." I think if I should go or stay home because this new book. "The book can wait." Trisha says to me. "Yeah, just for a week Y/N." Karizma tells me I look at her and gives me a nod as if she knows what I am telling her. I go into my room and pack things that will probably last me a week. I was going to tell Trisha and Karizma goodbye but they were already gone. I go to the airport and it was about a two hour flight . When I get to New York I head in a cab than head to my old childhood home.
Once I get there I pay the driver than stop dead tracks looking at the big house. I finally get in the house and remember all of my childhood memories that were the home. I look and see Vanya talking to Allison then I walk over them. "Oh Y/N your here." Vanya says to me as I give her a hug."Yeah I just thought might as well be here if I can see my brothers and sisters." I said as I was hugging Allison. "Hay I read your book loved it by the way." Allison said to me as we pull away from the hug. "Oh thanks Alli." She laughed as she remembered that nickname."What is she doing here you don't belong here not after what you did." Diego says coldly as he walks passed all three of us. I just rolled my eyes at the comment he had just made. "You're seriously going to do this today?" Allison say to him while facing hs way. "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way." Allison said as Diego was walking up the stairs. "At least I'm wearing black." Diego says going all the way up the stairs. "You know what? I- Maybe he's right. And I shouldn't--" Vanya says but was cut off by Allison. "Forget about him." Allison says to Vanya."I'm glad you're here." Allison says to her. "Yeah that is just Diego being Diego." I say trying to comfort Vanya and get her to stay. "For as long as I known him he has always been like that. The good news is that you are here." I say to Vanya she looks a little better by mine and Allison's words. We just stand there in silence not knowing what else to say to each other.
3rd person POV
Luther is looking around the room where his said "father" had passed. He was trying to look for anything for how his father had passed. "I can save you some time." Diego says at in the doorway. Luther faces Diego trying to hear to listen to what he was saying. "There all locked." Diego says to his brother. "No forced entry, no sign of struggle. Nothing out of the ordinary." Diego says to his brother while going to face his brother. "You got big Luther." he says to him while looking at him up and down."What's the secret huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?" He said trying to make fun of the way he looked." What do you want?" Luther finally says. Diego gets a piece of paper from his pocket. "The autopsy report." he says while holding up the paper for his brother to grab. Luther tries to grab it."Ah." Diego says while holding up the paper that he was going to give to his brother. He then again hands it to his brother. Luther takes it looking annoyed." And you have this why?" Luther says while opening the autopsy report."Well that's because I... broke into the coroner's office." Diego says while going to sit on the leather chair. "And surprise, surprise Dad's death was... normal." He said while finally sitting on the chair."Just boring, old heart failure." Diego says to Luther while Luther opening the autopsy report."Ya so?"Luther says while still looking at the paper and not his brother."So, why are you in here, checking all the windows?" Diego says back to his brother."Were you the first one on the scene?" Luther says back not answering Diego's question."Pogo found him." Diego says answering his brother's question."Ya I talked to Pogo. He said he couldn't find dad's monocle" Luther says trying to put his finger on something about his father's death. "And your point being?" Diego asked his brother getting annoyed that his brother was not letting this go. "Can you think of a single time you saw Dad and he wasn't wearing that monocle?" Luther asked his brother still not letting go of what he was trying to figure out about his dad's death. Diego stayed quite not thinking of a time that his father wasn't wearing that monocle."No. Which means someone took it." Luther says because his brother stayed quite."Which means there is a chance he wasn't alone when he died."Luther says to his brother. Diego got annoyed at his brother. "There is no mystery here. Nothing to avenge."Diego says to his brother while getting up from the chair he was sitting on."Nothing to solve, nothing like that." Diego said to his brother while walking over to him."It's just a sad old man who kicked it in a big, empty house just like he deserved." Diego says while trying to get his brother to let go of his dad's death."You should leave." Luther says coldly to his said "brother". "What ever you say, brother." Diego says to Luther while he slowly walks out of the room.
Your POV
Me and Allison decided to go into dad's office. Allison slid the old door open we walked into the room and remembered things for a minute.
Renginald Hargreeves was writing in his notebook. Grace the children's robotic mother walks into the room."The children are ready for bed sir. They wanted to say goodnight." Grace says to Hargreeves. She slid open the door. All eight of us were in matching pajamas. We waited for our father to say goodnight to them. He never looked up from his book that he was writing in. Nothing he just shakes his head in a "no" kind of saying still not even looking at us. "Ok! Time for bed now kids. Come along now. Come along now." Grace says to the sad looking children. They all went back to their rooms. Except for me and Allison."Come along now girls. Your father's busy." Grace says to the two children. "He's always busy." Allison says in a angry tone. "At least say goodnight to us." I say before me and Allison go and follow the rest of our siblings.
Your POV
Me and Allison were both cut off from the memory when we heard a voice."Where's the cash dad?" Klaus says talking to himself while looking for money. Me and Allison both walk to the desk that dad used to sit at all day long when we were kids."Where's the cash." Klaus again whispering to himself." Klaus?" I say knowing that it is my brother. "What are you doing in here?" Allison says to him while he looks up at her" Klaus says while looking at Allison. "Wow is that you?" Klaus says referring to Allison. " Hay, come here." Klaus says while going to hug Allison. "Long time" Klaus says to Allison." Too long. Hey I was hoping to see you actually, because I wanted to get your autograph and add it to my collection!" He says not even noticing that I am there. Which I can't blame him because we have a... history.
Flashback 15 years ago
I was in my room crying because my so called "father" had just made Diego throw knives at me again. I had missed every single one of those knives. Every single one of those knives had hit me in the legs and arms. Grace had took care of my wounds but my emotions were everywhere. Both Klaus and Diego were trying to make me feel better, well mostly Diego. "Hay Dad is an asshole you know that." Diego says Klaus was just leaning against the wall looking at the floor with a cigarette in his hand. "Aren't you gunna say something?" Diego says referring to Klaus who still wasn't even looking at us. "Klaus?" Diego says to him we were really close ever since Ben had died but things have gotten bad. He still didn't even look at us just stared at the floor. Diego started to get annoyed at Klaus even being in the room." I just.." Klaus finally says. "Don't even know how or what to feel." Klaus says. "How about sadness be mad for all I care! She is our sister and we are supposed to love and care for her!" Diego says to him finally letting all of his rage out on Klaus. "Hay! Back off dude! I just don't even know how to feel that's it. It's not my fault that you threw those knives at her!" Klaus says I just sit there getting mad and still crying not knowing what to do about them fighting. "Hay! I had no choice! Dad made me do that! You don't even know what happend!" Diego is still screaming at Klaus. Soon they had started to punch each other. "stop." I say but they kept on going. "Stop." I say getting louder still nothing they just kept on fighting."STOP!" I say to them as I using a shock wave blue waves came from my body Klaus and Diego flew across the room like ragdolls. Soon the whole house shook and everyone came into the room. "Number 8 this is unacceptable!" Dad screams at me. "Number 1 take her to the room" Dad says referring to the room that he puts me in every time this happens. "No Dad I swear I won't do it again!" I yell at my so called "father" as Luther comes up to me looking sad as he knew how that room was. "You need to learn number 8." My dad says coldly. "No! No! No!" I say trying to get free from Luther. "Dad you can't do this to her." Klaus says to my dad trying to get me from going to that room. "It's our fault we started it. Put us in there." Diego says to my dad. "No." my dad says to them not even giving them a good answer."She needs to learn." Was the only thing he said to them as an answer.
Your POV present
"You just got out of rehab?" Allison says looking at his wrist. "No, no. No, no, no, no.No. I'm done with all that." Klaus says while trying to cover it up. I knew why he was drinking, smoking, doing drugs. It was because they never went away by them I mean the ghost that he always saw."I just came here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone." He says acting sad."And he is! He's dead. Yeah!" He said while clapping his hands." You know how I know? Because if he were alive not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room." Klaus says still not even looking at me of course he knew I was there. He just didn't want to remember what had happened the last time we saw each other."He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right?" He says as he sat in Dad's chair while putting his feet on the table. "Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl?" He says while pointing at the painting of our father above the chair. "Thank Christ he's not our real father so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!" He says while forcing his eyes wide open. Allison laughs at the joke that he made and so did I ."Number Three!" He said while imitating our father. "Get out of his chair." Luther says to Klaus.We all turn to face our brother."Oh,wow,Luther! Wow you uh. You really filled out over the years,huh?" Klaus says getting out of the chair that he was in."Klaus." Luther said to his brother."Save the lecture. I was already leaving." Klaus says when he cuts Luther off. "You guys can talk amongst yourselves." He says almost walking out but gets stopped by Luther's arm. I just decided to leave since no one had talked to me when I walked in the room. As I was leaving Klaus and I had meet eyes for the first time in years. I had just decided to go to the living room where Five's painting was.
Time skip
All six of us had been sitting in the quiet for a while. Klaus was in the bar pouring himself a drink while Allison already had one."Um" Luther manages to break the silence that was in the room."I guess we should get this started." He says while standing up. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown." He says trying to think of a way to plan their father's funeral."Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot." Luther says."Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison asked."He did?" I manage to say. "You know, under the oak tree." Luther says back to both me and Allison. "We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Luther asked. "Of course he only did Dad made him number 1 after all." I think to myself. "Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner." Klaus said while walking passed me and Vanya. I laughed a little. "What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here." Luther says referring to the cigarette Klaus had in his hand. "Is that my skirt?" Allison asked cutting of Luther."What?" Klaus asked while turning to look at Allison. "Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room." Klaus says answering Allison's question."It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the bits." Klaus says. Oh Klaus he always knew how to make a joke."Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?" Luther says getting annoyed of his brother."Like what?" Diego asked even tho he knew what he Luther was talking about. "Like the way he died." Luther says while looking at Diego. "And here we go." Me and Diego say in sync knowing what our brother was trying to do. Me and Diego look at each other for a moment but just a second before getting cut off by Vanya. "I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack." Vanya says while Klaus sits in between me and Vanya. "Yeah, according to the coroner." Luther says answering her. "Well, wouldn't they know?" Vanya asked. "Theoretically." Luther says to Vanya. "Theoretically?" Allison asked."I'm just saying, at the very least, something happened." Luther says getting a little annoyed by the questions we were all asking."The last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange." Luther says trying to convince us that something happened to Dad. "Oh, quelle surprise!'' Klaus says while gurgling his drink."Strange how?" Allison asked kinda sounding mad."He sounded on edge. Told me I should careful who to trust." Luther said to Allison while the rest of us were still silent. Diego got annoyed that his brother wasn't going to let go of this anytime soon."Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left in his marbles." Diego said while getting up from the chair he was sitting on and walking over to Luther. "No.He must have known something was going to happen." Luther said denying what his brother had just said."Look, I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad." Luther said while facing Klaus who could speak to the dead. I got a little mad knowing that Luther was trying to take advantage of Klaus's powers. "I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like "Dad could you just... stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?"' Klaus says to his brother trying to tell him that he hasn't used his powers in awhile."Since when? That's your thing." Luther says I try my best not to snap at him which I don't. "I'm not in the right... frame of mind." Klaus says to Luther. "Your high?" Allison says. "And drunk?" I say know he was going to agree with both me and Allison. "Yeah! Yeah!" He says while looking at both me and Allison. "I mean, how are you not, listening to this nonsense?" Klaus says talking about how his brother wasn't letting go of the fact that our dad was dead. "Well, sober up, this is important." Luther says still annoyed at his family not listening to him. "Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." Luther says still trying to get us to listen to what he was saying. "Who gives a shit about a stupid monocle?" Diego says under his breath but we could still hear him."Exactly. It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge." Luther says while facing Diego. I knew what he meant I just didn't want to know that it was true."Where are you going with this?" Klaus says not even knowing what Luther meant. "Oh, isn't it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad." Diego says not even looking at Klaus. Luther stayed silent. "Is that true Luther?" I say him still being quiet which means that it was. "You do?" Klaus says braking the silence that filled the room."How could you think that?" Vanya says sounding a little hurt. "Great job, Luther. Way to lead." Diego says while leaving the room. "That's not what I'm saying." Luther says trying to make us think that it wasn't true but it wasn't working."You're crazy, man. You're crazy." Klaus says while walking out of the room as me and Vanya leave as well. "Crazy." I say under my breath. "I haven't finished." Luther says while trying to get us to stay. I just decide to go to my old childhood room.
Flashback 17 years ago
"In five, four, three, two, one. This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for channel 2 news outside of the capital west bank at the main and sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages.'' The news reporter said. We were at the side of the bank deciding who should go first. So we just pick Allison. "Hey, get them behind the counter! Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm?Shit!" one of the armed robbers says to his friend while walking inside the bank. "Ready Alli?" I ask Allison because she was going first. "Ready as I'll ever be." She says back to me as she walks into the bank."Hey, get back with the others." The man says to Allison. "I heard a rumor." Allison said to the man. By then I was on the other side of the bank ready for Luther to go so I can because that was the plan. Once Luther throws one of the men toward me. I use my blue telekinesis to throw the man at to other men."Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives." Diego says while throwing two knives at one of the armed robbers. "Get back, you freaks." The armed robber tells us while on the counter and pointing the gun at each of us. "Hay be careful up there buddy." Diego says mocking him. "Don't fall." I say while laughing. "Yeah wouldn't want you to get hurt." Allison says to the scared looking man. "Get back now!" The man says. "Or what?" Five says as he appears out of thin air and is sitting on the counter. The man starts to shot were Five was at just a second ago. He kept on shooting thinking that Five was invisible. Five appears behind the man then the man shots his "gun" at Five. "Ooh! That's one badass stapler!" Five says then he hits the man in the head with it making the man pass out. As Ben was about to go I was freeing some hostages. "Do I really have to do this?" Ben said even regretting coming on the mission."Come on, Ben. There's some more guys in the vault." Luther says trying to get his brother to do what he needed to do. "It's fine it'll be over in a second." I say while freeing some hostages. "Ok, but I didn't sign up for this." Ben says while walking over to the room. We could see all of the men in the room being thrown like ragdolls and blood was everywhere. The monster that Ben summoned had stop screeching. Then Ben came out covered in blood from head to toe."Can we go home now?" Ben asked after he sighed. "People are coming out now. It's not the armed robbers. These are young school children in uniforms and mask on." Is what I heard from the news reporter. We stood there in a line waiting for our father to speak for us. As we were waiting I gave a handkerchief to Ben so he could clean his face. "Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children. I give you the inaugural class of The Umbrella Academy." Dad had just let the new reporters all over us. I was paying no attention to what they were saying. I just felt really bad for Vanya she was by sister after all. She was never included in anything. Diego had touched my arm. "You ok?" He asked because I looked in deep thought which I was. "Yeah. Thanks for asking." I say back.
Your POV present
I was in my room remembering everything that happened in there.I was just lying on my bed looking at the ceiling in till I heard the song that all of us used to listen to when we were kids. I find myself dancing to the music. The sound of the music reminding of the good times. The music started to play. And I remember those lyrics like I had heard them yesterday.
"Children behave. That's what they say when we're together" "And watch how you play" " They don't understand and so we're running just as fast as we can." "Holding' on to one another's hand'' "Tryin' to get away into the night." "And then you put your arms around me and then we tumble to the ground and then you say." "I think we're alone now." "There doesn't seem to be anyone around" " I think we're alone now" "The beating of our hearts is the only sound." " Look at the way." "We gotta hide what we're doing" ""Cause what would would the say" "If they knew and so we're running just as fast as we can." "Holding on to one another's hand." "Tryin' to get away into the night.'' "And then you put your arms around me." "And we tumble to the ground and then you say" "I think we're alone now." "There doesn't seem to be anyone around." "I think we're alone now." "The beating of our hearts is the only sound." "I think we're alone now." "There doesn't seem to be anyone around." "I think we're alone now" The beating of our hearts is the only sound."
The music stopped and the knife that Diego had given me when we were kids almost hit me in the face. Blue flashing lights were coming from outside. So me being me I run outside to see what is going on. "What is it?" Vanya asked but no one had answered Vanya's question. "Don't get to close." Allison says. "Yeah. No shit." Diego says to Allison. "What the hell could that thing be?" I ask. "Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the two." Luther says answering my question."Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan." Diego says to Luther. "Out of the way!" Klaus says while moving Diego and Luther out of the way with a fire extinguisher."What are you-" Luther asks Klaus while he looks back at the blue vortex. Klaus soon throws the extinguisher at the blue vortex."What is that gonna do?"Allison asked Klaus. "I don't know you have a better idea?" Klaus says in reposes. "Get back!" I say to him and just pull him behind Luther and Diego.The blue vortex gets stronger and gets louder."Everyone get behind me." Luther says because the vortex was getting stronger."Yeah get behind us." Diego says before pushing me behind him because I was in front of him when I pulled Klaus."I vote for running, c'mon!" Klaus says but none of us follow him.We start to see something or someone. Come through the vortex the person got younger and younger the more they got out. In till the person was fully out of the vortex and the person almost hit the ground but I use my telekinesis to catch them.My blue telekinesis caught the person from hitting the ground and I slowly got them to hit the ground. The thunder faded and the person got up from the ground."Does anyone else see little Number Five or is it just me?" Klaus says looking at his brother that still looked 13. Five looks at himself up and down."Shit" was all he said.
Time skip
"What's the date. The exact date?" Five asked while going to make a peanut and marshmallow sandwich."The 24." Vanya answered."Of what?" Five asked again sounding annoyed that he didn't get a full answer. "March" Vanya said answering his question."Good." Five said as he opened the bread bag."So we're not gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asked because no one was saying anything. "Yeah I mean that is not something to just blow off." I said agreeing with Luther."It's been 17 years." Luther said getting annoyed because Five didn't answer his question.Five just looks at him and says "It's been a lot longer than that." then he space jumps past Luther. "I haven't missed that." Luther says when his brother space jumped past him."Where'd you go?" Diego asked his brother not even looking at him. "The future it's shit, by the way." He says after grabbing the marshmallows then he space jumps back to where the bread was at."Called it." Klaus says I laugh at his little joke."I should've listened to the old man." Five says while grabbing the peanut butter from the fridge."You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping threw time is a toss of the dice." Five said while opening the peanut butter jar. He looks up at Klaus as goes "Nice dress." Then he looks back at what he was doing. "Oh, well, danke!" Klaus says in response. "Wait, how did you get back?" Vanya asks her brother. "Yeah you went to the future, there has to be a reason you came back." I said to him. "In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five answers back to me and Vanya. "That makes no sense." Diego says hoping for a better explanation. "Well, it would if you were smarter." Five said back to him. Diego got up quick before me and Luther stop him from killing Five. "How long were you there?" Luther asks because early he said it had been longer than 17 years. "Forty-five years. Give or take." Five answered back not even looking at us. All of us had surprised looks on our faces."So what are you saying? That your 58?" Luther asked while both him and Diego sit down."No, my consciousness is 58. Apparently, my body is now 13 again." Five says while being done with his sandwich."Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya asks him not knowing how it happened."Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh." He says to himself while taking a bite of the sandwich. "Delores?" I say wondering who she was. He just ignores my question and walks back to where the cutting bored was."Hmmm" Five said picking up the newspaper that was on the table looking at our father that was on it. "Guess I missed the funeral." Five said while looking at the paper."How'd you know that?" Luther asked dumbfounded."What part of the future do you not understand?" Me and Five said in sync. Both Klaus and Diego looked at me and Five but not the others. I kept on looking at Five acting like I didn't see them just now."Heart failure, huh?" Five asked knowing that our dad was dead just didn't know how he died. "Yeah."Diego said answering Five's question. "No." Luther says right after Diego. "Nice to see that nothing's changed." Five says after he clicked his tongue in annoyance. After that he just walks out of the kitchen. "Uh, that's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison asks Five as he walks out of the room.  "What else is there to say? The circle of life." Five says while finally walking out of the room."Well... that was interesting." Luther says braking the silence."Nice reunion." I say looking at everyone in the room.
Time skip
I was in my room with the knife Diego had gave me when we were kids. I was just staring at the ceiling thinking about things."Nice to see that you didn't forget about that thing." Diego says while walking into the room. He sat on my bed while I sat up to talk to him.'' Read your book. Wasn't as bad as Vanya's." Diego said while lying down on my bed. "Hay thanks and Vanya's was good she just wanted to get things off her chest with that book. She never meant it to be mean and it wasn't." I say to him trying to defend Vanya. "Why did your book sound like us?" Diego asked me changing the subject. "What do you mean?" I ask him trying to hide the fact that the book did sound like our relationship. We just sat there in silence. "Because it sounded interesting to make." I said to him. "Really?" Diego said back because the story was about to step-siblings falling in love but their parents didn't let them. "Yes Diego and you know I liked it and I am sure you did too." I say getting up from my bed and walking to the desk that was next to the bed. "I mean I did but why didn't we do what they did?" Diego asked me. Oh no the both teenagers ran away together and how did he remember that the book came out four years ago. "Because I... just wanted to leave this place and not remember the last thing that happened here." I answered back to him. " I know so did I." Diego said to me while laying down on the bed. "Yes but we didn't do that because I know you like Eudora." I said to him while I lied down next to him and looked at the ceiling. I felt him look at me. "Shit." Diego said to me. Then Klaus came in the room and looked at us for a second then said "Come on it is starting." Klaus said then walked out. Then I just walked out of the room.
Time skip
All seven of us walk outside along with Mom. Everyone had black umbrellas except for Luther and Diego. Klaus had a clear one with pink stripes at the end of it. Once we all got in a circle Mom said "Did something happen?" as if she didn't know what was going on. "Dad." I said "He died remember?" Allison said finishing my sentence. "Oh. Yes, of course." Mom said looking sad as she said that. "Is Mom ok?" Allison asked. "Yeah yeah, she's fine." Diego said answering Allison. "She just needs to rest. You know, recharge." Diego said while looking at Mom then at Allison then at me for a second. Then Pogo came with his black umbrella. "Whenever you're ready dear boy." He said to Luther who was the one with Dad's ashes. He took a second to pour them but once he did it was a small pile. We looked at the small pile for a second. "Probably would have been better with some wind." Luther says braking the silence. "Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks. No one speaks at all just silence which I couldn't blame them about I wanted to say something but if I did they would only be hurtful words. "Very well." Pogo says. "In all, regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy--" Pogo was about to say more before he was cut off by Diego. "He was a monster." Diego says to all of us. Klaus just laughed knowing what was about to happen I think everyone knew. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him." Diego says to us. "Diego." Allison says to him trying to get him to stop. "My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it." Diego said. "Would anyone like something to eat?" Mom ask us not even noticing how the conflict was rising. "No, it's okay, Mom." Vanya says to her. "Oh okay." Mom says looking a bit sad. "Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." Diego said not even caring about the way Mom was acting anymore. "Diego can you stop?" I said seeing that he wasn't going to anytime soon. He looks at me and says "You of all people should be agreeing with me. He did so much to all of us. He locked Klaus in a cemetery. Not to mention he made every one of us throw everything at you." He said back not even caring how hurt I looked at that moment. "You should stop talking now." Luther says making him turn away from me. "You know, you should be on my side here too, Number One." Diego says getting closer to him. "I am warning you." Luther says getting more mad. "After everything he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away." Diego says to him. "Diego, stop talking." Luther says to him getting louder. "That's how much he couldn't stand to sight of you!" Diego said while putting his finger on Luther's chest. Luther started to swing his arms at him soon they both started throwing one punch to another. "Boys, stop this at once!" Pogo said but of course they didn't. "Come on, big boy!" Diego said to Luther mocking him. "Stop it!" Vanya said getting scared someone was going to get hurt. "Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus said not even caring. "Get off me!" Diego said. "I don't have time for this." Five said while leaving I had just noticed that Pogo had left. They had did so many punches Diego had dogged one that made Luther hit Ben's statue. "And there goes Ben's statue." Allison said I stood there not knowing what to do Diego's words. Allison got tired of it then walked back inside. Diego had took a knife out of his pocket. "Diego, no!" Vanya said. He threw the knife but I had stop it from hitting Luther. Everyone looked at me I had my arms up at the knife. I had made it hit the ground. I stood there for a second then looked at Diego and said "Fuck you, Diego." then I just walked inside. Luther walked back inside a few seconds after me.
Flashback 17 years ago
We were all at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Vanya to blow the whistle. "You're going down Alli." I say to Allison. "No they are going down." She says back to me pointing at the boys. Vanya blows the whistle and all seven of us started to run that's when Five started to space jump up the stairs. "That's not fair, Five's cheating!" Diego says while running behind Five. "He adapted." Dad said to him. I laugh a little but kept on running.
Flashback 17 years ago
Diego was in the chair while getting a tattoo of the umbrella academy. Mom was trying to comfort him but he refused. Allison and Klaus were in the corner crying as they were the first ones to get the tattoo. Me, Five, Luther and Ben were the next ones to get the tattoo and we were all scared. Vanya was at the top of the stairs watching us.
I was in the kitchen with Five and Klaus while Five was looking for coffee. Allison walked into the kitchen. "Where's Vanya?" She asks not knowing that she left. "Oh, she's gone." Klaus says answering her question. "Yeah she left not to long ago." I say back. "That's unfortunate." Five says back. "Yeah." Allison says thinking that he was taking about Vanya. "An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee." Five says mad at the fact that Dad hated caffeine. "Dad hated caffeine." Allison said back knowing that our Dad hated that beverage. "Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us." Klaus said trying to make a joke and it made me giggle a little. "I'm taking the car." Five said. "What?" I say not knowing why. "Where are you going?" Klaus says while sitting up. "To get a decent cup of coffee." Five answers while looking at Klaus. "Do you even know how to drive?" Allison asks him because he was in a 13 year old body. "I know how to do everything." Five answers back to her as he space jumps to the car. "I feel like we should try and stop him, but then again, I also just kinda want to see what happens." Klaus says while getting up from the chair he was sitting in. "You and me both." I say back. After I say that we hear the car engine turn on. "All right, I guess I'll see you guys in, what, ten years? When Pogo dies?" Diego says while walking into the room. "Not if you die first." Allison says back. "Yeah, love you too, sis." Diego answers back. I didn't even want to look at him remembering the words he said to me at Dad's funeral. So I just left the room. Going to my childhood room.
Time skip
I was in my room remembering things that me and my siblings used to do when we were little. Then I had a weird feeling that something was wrong so I tried my best to get in contact with my siblings minds but I got nothing. It was because I hadn't used them since Ben had died I could get in contact with the dead but I could only listen to what was in there head and only a few words. When I was just about to get up I heard Five's voice it was like echoes in my mind "The world ends." Was all I heard then I passed out on my bed.

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