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Hey everyone! Welcome to my new story, Utter Insanity. I hope you all enjoy it. I will warn you all now that there will be a lot of killing, and cussing in this story. Along with a few mentions of suicide, so if that is not something that you like, I am sorry.

In the story I will explain the quirks of the Yagi twins, but I will go further in depth at the end of the chapter about what they are. I will say that for Izuku's quirk I am using inspiration from the anime, Soul Eater.

In this story, the time frame will be in the years starting at 2200. Also the Todoroki's, Bakugou's, and Uraraka's will have the knowledge of All For One. Shoto will also be like he is in the anime when it comes to human interaction, but will have a more sinister side and without the scar. Also I am going to make Endeavor  and Rei teachers at U.A. with All Might and Inko teaching the Hero course with Ochaco's Mom working there as well as a rescue hero along with 13.


In a world where power is everything, what happens when a child is born with a power that is seen to be evil? Is that child destined to be evil? Is that child born to be a villain? What if that child's dream is to be a hero, but is shunned by the exact community that they long to be a part of? The answer to these questions were answered when a young boy, along with his twin sister, was born in the year 2200. Children of Japan's #1 hero All Might or Toshinori Yagi, and Japan's #12 hero Tempest or Inko Yagi.

Inko's POV:

After hours of labor my husband, I, and two beautiful children were finally allowed to go home. I couldn't do anything, but look at my babies. Nothing mattered but them and what they want and need. My baby girl, Nariko Yagi, born with blond hair with golden highlights, and striking blue eyes just like her father. My baby boy, Izuku Yagi, born with deep forest green hair with black highlights, which is a little strange but I don't care, and deep emerald green eyes like me. They may just be newborn, but I know for a fact that they will be people of great importance.

Inko(Whisper): "I will always love you no matter what happens." I kiss their heads and fall asleep with them in my arms dreaming of my new life as a mother.

Time Skip 4 years


It's been four years since the Yagi twins have been born, and the saying, "Thicker than thieves," fits them perfectly. They do everything together, from playing, to studying, to pestering their parents, not that they mind, but now that they are four they get the best gift in the world at the same time. They two can be seen in their parents room at 8:00 A.M. jumping up and down on their parents trying to wake them up.

Izuku: "Mommy! Wake up!" The little boy squeals in happiness as he rocks his mother.

Nariko: "Daddy! Come on get up!" The other says poking their father's cheek. Slowly the two adults start to stir from their slumber.

Toshinori: "*Yawn* Come on kids a few more minutes." He says before trying to fall back asleep.

Izuku/Nariko: "WHAT!?" They screamed simultaneously, and loud enough to completely disturb their sleep.

Inko: "Ok, ok we're getting up. Man you two are excited this morning." She says sitting up in the bed looking at her two children who were now pouting adorable.

Izuku: "Don't tell us you forgot what today is?" Inko puts a finger under chin and put on a thinking look on her face.

Inko: "Hmmm. Nothing seems to come to mind." She says sarcastically, but the twins didn't seem to pick up on it.

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