Part 17

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"Harry, can I ask you something first?"

"Hmm?" I said as I adjusted myself to face Hailey.

"I want to know," she huffed as she looked down at her fingers fiddling in her lap. "I want to know why, why you are here. Why me? Why out of all the people in the world, you could have anybody, why do you insist to win me over?" she chuckled slightly to herself.

 I took my hand and lifted her chin so she could see me, I looked into her eyes that were once brown but now changed to a slight tint of green "I believe that you are beautiful, I'm jealous that the other boys got to spend more time with you and that they got to get to know you better than I have, I truly want to know you, but you have this thick wall up that I cant seem to get around, I want to be able to take that wall down, get inside your bubble and get to know the real you." I explained to Hailey with sincerity.

 It was quiet for a moment as I let Hailey take in what I had just said. She huffed closing her eyes "Where do I even begin?" she said to herself

"Favourite color?" I asked trying to help her out a little

"Pink" she said without hesitation.

"Favourite food?" I shot back.

"Spaghetti and meatballs" she replied just a quickly

"I've been tolled my spaghetti and meatballs are brilliant!" I said with a cheeky grin "Favourite candy?" I added

"Sponge toffee" she said after a moment of thinking, I nodded my head in agreement.


"Easy, Recess peaces!" she shrugged.

"First kiss?" I chanted

Hailey blushed as she looked down at her lap fiddling with her hands before she responded "6th grade" with a slight smile.

"Favourite sport?"

"Volleyball, Duh" she responded rolling her eyes

I chuckled as I shook my head "Well sorry." I retorted. This game lasted for a while Hailey had tolled me about her family, what she wanted to go to school for, how she has always wonted to visit London and Rome, and how her and Sam are practically sisters, which I had already guessed, and I found out that Jake has been her best friend sense kindergarten. I finally realized what it was like to actually get to know her, as much as it pains me I am trying my best to make her happy and if letting her be with Jake makes her happy then so be it, but that doesn’t mean I'm not going to prove to her that I can be the good guy.

"Oh, my god, you have a cat!" I exclaimed as a black and white cat came strolling in to her room.

"Yeup" she said popping the 'P'

"It looks like Dusty, What’s her name... Erm... it is a her... right?"

Hailey chucked "Yes it is a her, and her name is Cali"

"Hailey!" her mum called from what sounded like the kitchen. Hailey got up and walked out to join her mum, after a while of hearing some mumbling Hailey came trotting back into the room.

"Wanna stay for dinner?" Hailey asked.

Almost on Queue my stomach growled "sure, I would love to" I smirked as I got up to follow Hailey to the dining room "Tacos!" I said excitedly as I took a seat next to Hailey who chuckled rolling her eyes at my excitement. "You know love," I said as I grabbed a taco shell "if you continue to roll your eyes like you do, they are going to fall out of you head" I joked poking her in the forehead. Hailey giggled as she hit me on the shoulder.

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