[No.6 "Get it Out" | No More]

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[Warnings: Anaphylactic Shock, Severe Allergic Reaction, Bee Stings]

"I didn't know you were allergic to honey bees."

Shuichi grabbed a cold compress, returning to his boyfriend's side. Kokichi sat on the couch, his face red from discomfort and dizziness. "...Surprise," He muttered, glaring at the swelling welt on his forearm. The puffiness traveled up and down his arm, his fingers were stiff, welling up so much that he couldn't move his joints.

Kokichi truly wanted to curl up and disappear. His body felt stiff and numb. His swelling fingers had lost sensation, his tongue felt like rubber in his mouth, and the irritation over his sensitive and hive broken skin was next to unbearable.

They sat in Gonta's home, just visiting to see the new beehive he recently got. Unfortunately, Kokichi failed to tell anyone he was allergic to a sting. "Just get it out," Kokichi complained, wheezing as he stared at the small protrusion of the bee's stinger out of his arm. It itched like mad. Kokichi gnawed at his fingernails as he bit back the urge to scratch his skin raw.

"I'm getting to it," Shuichi sighed, taking the slim pliers Gonta offered to wedge the metal sides of it into Kokichi's red and sensitive skin. He breathed in sharply, heat swirled in his mind as his throat felt thicker and thicker. Shuichi pulled the stinger out with ease, "Gonta should be back any minute,"

"Oh joy." Kokichi murmured. Shuichi reached a hand up to brush his hair back from another welt. The swelling over his neck was redder than his arm. He picked up the pliers and carefully grabbed the notch of the stinger and pulled. Kokichi tried not to fidget, but the air seemed to get hotter and thinner.

"Are you having trouble breathing?" He asked worriedly, setting the second stinger on a napkin. Kokichi grimaced and nodded.

"...I'm fine though," He lied. His chest was heavy with each inhales, and his throat was working its way to closing up. Gonta left to grab his EpiPen at home. Shuichi could have left to get it, but Kokichi threw a hissy fit to have him beside him. Mainly because if he left Gonta to do stinger-removal, he'd get an ear-full of lengthy apologies.

Shuichi winced. That twisted expression made Kokichi roll his eyes. He's irked, and pained. Shuichi seeing through his blatant lie doesn't help his mood. Kokichi glared at him, his souring mood depleting faster than his patience, "It's not bad enough for a hospital trip." He stated. Yes, it is.

The door opened and a hurried footfall thumped down the hall. Gonta came bursting into the living room looking terribly concerned. His eyes were welled up in tears and his cheeks were red from the hurry. "Gonta got the EpiPen," He announced, his big hands shaking as Kokichi used his non-swollen hand to take it from him.

Kokichi meant to thank him, but the words stayed in his throat. He pulled off the safety and pressed the orange tip hard against his outer thigh. Epipens are uncomfortable, the needle that comes from the tip is horrifyingly long and thick, but looks are deceiving because he hardly felt it.

He exhaled, the epinephrine injection almost instantly cleared up his throat and alleviated the weight on his chest. Gonta looked at him anxiously, "Will Kokichi be okay?"

Shuichi caught Kokichi's eyes of annoyance and chuckled. "He might be completely fine after a hospital trip."

"I'm fine!" He denied, but he still felt swamped with dizziness.

"You had an anaphylaxis reaction, EpiPens are not cures."

Kokichi's head was still spinning. "...Fine. whatever. But I can't walk straight." Shuichi reassured him that he didn't have to get up. And that he would call an ambulance if he was feeling severely light-headed. Which, he was. Shuichi knew the procedure as good as he did, both of them had a list of allergies they had to keep on top of.

With Kokichi he was more insect and animal sensitive, and Shuichi had a strict diet of things that wouldn't kill him. Often he'd joke that natural selection was out to get them, because it seemed impossible that people could live walking around on their toes, trying to avoid an anaphylactic shock at every turn.

"Better me than you," He whispered to Shuichi as the paramedics arrived. Shuichi's anxiety tends to worsen his vulnerable state, at least Kokichi enjoys ambulance rides.

"See you soon," He said back, ignoring his comment. He pressed a kiss to his overly warm forehead, giving his unswollen hand a squeeze before leaving his side. Gonta had brought him a stuffed bee plushie as Kokichi was secured on a stretcher. Claiming the bee says sorry too.

The next day he was marginally okay. But he swears he's never going to visit Gonta's bee family ever again. He wholeheartedly agreed as Shuichi said, "No more bees for you."

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