1 | meet but no greet

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"When is this going to end?" I wonder out loud. It's currently three twenty five in the afternoon on a Friday and school is five minutes away from being finished. I look to my left and see that Hunter has fallen asleep. I look to my right and see that Elaine is busy drawing in her sketch book and the whole page is almost full. I look slightly past Elaine and make eye contact with Allie and she puts a finger gun to her head and pulls the trigger jokingly.

I laugh a little too loudly and my teacher, Ms. Miller stops talking immediately. She raised an eyebrow at me and I know I'm done for.

"Yasmine, is something about how I'm teaching this lesson funny to you?" I shake my head and pretend to zip my lips closed, lock the key and throw it across the room. Ms. Miller laughs and shakes her head, "Classic Yasmine, always making me laugh when I'm trying to be serious." I love Ms. Miller, she's an angel. She never gets me in trouble with the principal and she always gives me extensions when I need them.

"Alright everyone, there's only a few more minutes left so I'm gonna let you guys go early. Yasmine, could you stay back a few minutes?" I nod my head and Allie and a half asleep Hunter laugh and elbow each other. Elaine gives me worried eyes but I shake my head, I know exactly why she's calling me. As everyone starts to pack up their bags and head out the door, I walk over to Ms. Miller.

"Yasmine, you know why I called you over." I nod my head slowly.

"I'm working on it, I swear." I begin, but Ms. Miller cuts me off.

"You know I only want the best for you and this is why I'm telling you to work on your film now. You have so much potential and talent and it would be shame to watch everyone graduate without you." She looks at me with her eyes and nods her head.

She's talking about the admission requirements for the universities and colleges I want to apply to. I need a sample film that is a maximum of five minutes in order to get into a good school. It's only June and I have many many months to make this film, but she knows me and my procrastination better than anyone. I have all of this summer and the fall to prepare and produce the best film I can, but I still don't feel ready and she can tell.

"Alright Ms. Miller, I'll try to start it now."

"Perfect. Send me your progress over the summer and I'll critique it."

"Thank you." Right as I take a step to leave the classroom, two boys walk in and one of them walks right into me, clearly not watching where he's going.

"Woah." He stumbles backwards and catches his balance. I, however, do not have the same balancing skills as he do and fall down. That's embarrassing. I get up immediately and straighten out my jacket and fix my hair. I look up and see two, tall, brunette boys staring at me, one of them has his hands behind his head.

"I am so sorry. I was not looking where I was going and then I blinked and you were on the floor and," he looks into my eyes and I immediately recognize him. Louis Partridge. I never really liked the movie, Enola Holmes, I'm very into the classic Sherlock movies.

"Louis Partridge?" I blurt. Way to go stupid, now you seem like a fan girl, which you are certainly not.

"That would be correct. Have you seen my movie?" His accent is beautiful and so are his eyes but that won't distract me from the fact that he walked into me and somehow I ended on the floor.

"Yeah, I saw it last week."

"And?" He's smiling. Why?

"Not my cup of tea. Nice to meet you, I really gotta get going." I smile at him quickly and give him a half wave before walking away. That was weird and I didn't like it one bit.

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