Chapter 2: Its a good thing we're not friends

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As I move through the hallways of Lincoln High, I notice the different social groups. There's the jocks, and near them stand the cheerleaders, there's the girls who want to be popular, the smart popular kids, then the average groups.
One group in particular stands out to me, a girl leaning against her locker smirks, her deep green eyes sparkling in the morning sun. I put my head down and make my way to the main office, still noticing a few people watching me as I do so.


I walk into my English literature class, and it's one of those movie moments, where everyone turns around and stares at you the minute you walk in. The teacher waves his hand in the direction of an empty seat, going back to reading his golfing magazine. I sit down in the empty seat and notice the person sitting next to me burning a hole in the side of my head. I turn around, ready to tell him off for being so creepy, but I lose my breath as soon as I look at him.

His dark brown hair is styled messily in spikes and waves, and his almost black eyes accentuate the slight brown glow of his skin.

"Would you mind, I'd actually like to learn something in school today" he says with an arrogant smirk.

"Well, unlike you, I'm actually focusing, rather than staring creepily at the person next to me" I reply, turning in my seat.

He chuckles, "Woah, and here I thought all hot girls were nice"

"One, that made you even creepier, and two, I'm not hot"

"Well that's where you're wrong, you're the hottest girl who's arrived here ever since Cassie over there filled out in middle school" He says, and gestures to the girl I saw before, who's staring at me with a slight smile on her lips.

"Yeah, and the pig over here thinks that calling me a slut and telling all his friends he 'got with me' was the best way to welcome me to school" She says, punching him in the arm, making him pout.

"I think we're going to be great friends", I say to Cassie, giving her my best smile.
She nods and smiles at me, gesturing to a humming-
"What's your name?" I say to him.

"Landon, but my friends call me Lan"

"Well it's a good thing we're not friends then" I say with a smirk.
Cassie looks at me and gestures to a humming Landon, mouthing the words 'man slut' and fake- gagging. I giggle, and concentrate back on the teacher, who has finally started doing his job.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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