Chapter 2

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The pair just stood there watching each other for a few moments, Ste more warily than curiously.
His mouth was dry, and he only realised when he went to speak and nothing came out but a monotone gruff from the back of his throat. From this, a sudden and warm smile crossed Doug's lips, and immediately Ste felt a sense of gratification, as he returned his own wobbly grin.

The man whom he had been recently introduced to spoke up, words seeming to fall from his lips like they'd been rehearsed.

"Hey, so, um." Doug started, finding it hard to grasp his usual formal language for some reason, which made him feel incredibly strange, but he pulled himself together. "I'm guessing you're here for a quick tour and your bed?" He asked, grabbing a few sheets and a number plate. Doug would usually have to sit a client down and quiz them about their experience until they couldn't anymore. But he got a strong vibe that Ste was tired, so he didn't want to press any issues tonight.

Ste was shocked he hadn't been grilled for a good few hours, though he decided not to say anything but nod, implying he was ready for sleep. The sheer fact Doug was putting Ste's needs before anything else made his stomach flip, but maybe that was just the nerves of the whole thing. Or the coffee he drunk too fast earlier. "Sorry-- it's just.."

"No apologies." Doug cut in straight away, though the power of a sudden sentence was melted away through his soft tone. "We cater for your needs, okay? You're important to all of us now. Anything you want. Just ask." He finished, opening the office door and taking him down the hall.

Ste followed behind him, nodding again. He felt useless not actually having much to say, deep down, he knew Doug could be trusted, but with any man now, he was out of his comfort zone. Hopefully that'd disappear with time.

"This is the main lounge. It's open for anyone, the guests usually come here in the afternoon. Though we aren't massively full right now so you'll be fine. There's a TV and tea and coffee facilities." Doug remarked professionally, not wanting to disregard his actual job. He then showed him the kitchen and bathrooms, though he reassured him he'd have an en suite. Lastly, he took him to his bedroom. "Here we go."

The room was suddenly cosy and it drew Ste in like a big hug. The walls were white, but with different splashed colours to make a friendly collage, soft cream curtains and a double bed which was screaming out to him. It was simple, but the best he could ask for right now. "It's nice." He croaked out, being a bit sensitive about the fact someone had supplied this for him, and he turned to face Doug. "Thank you." He said sincerely, vulnerable expression twitching the corners of his face again, but for a different reason than being scared. He was flattered.

Doug slipped his hand up Ste's arm and gave his shoulder a squeeze, sensing he was too exhausted to continue. "I'll see you in the morning for breakfast, yeah? We can talk properly then. Get some rest. You're safe here." He looked back at him, bottom of his stomach clenching at the most adorable faces Ste pulled before his eyes. "G'night Ste." He muttered, before closing the door behind him.

"Night.." He replied, but the other man left like he'd never even been there. He hadn't brought any clothes, and it dawned on him he had literally one outfit, though seemingly like he'd read his mind, there was a knock on the door again, in which he opened it to see a flushed Doug.

"Here! Sorry, I totally forgot to give you these! Jammies for the night." He hurried over and tucked them into the radiator for him. "Don't want you getting cold!" He babbled before hurrying out again. "Goodnight!"

The quick encounter left Ste slightly amused, and he emitted a soft chuckle, for the first time in months. Doug seemed nice, really nice. All of the staff did, but Doug was his favourite right now. He got into his 'jammies', as Doug called them, and got into the bed which swallowed up his aching bones and cradled them until he was comfortable.

Instantly, the image of Connor leaning over him crossed his eyes, but he squeezed them shut, trying to block him out. "Think of good things." He repeated, remembering what Sally told him earlier. Doug. He thought of Doug. The beautiful American manager. He smiled into the darkness. He'd only just met the guy, but he couldn't deny he did fancy him. Something stopped him thinking about it anymore, though, as he fell into a deep sleep.

Doug was back in his office, drumming his pencil against the desk as he stared blankly at his computer, but couldn't concentrate, his stomach mixed up with butterflies. Heck, a zoo of them. Ste. He was in his mind. He was intrigued by him and what his backstory was. Not forgetting the fact he was beyond gorgeous. His thoughts came to a crashing halt as he heard someone cry out from their bedroom, as though in emotional despair. In that moment, he knew exactly who it was. Ste. He rushed to his door, not usually liking to invade privacy but he had to see what'd happened. He walked in and flicked the light on to see Ste squirming around in his bed, hair damp to his forehead and his sheets soaked with sweat, his face was creased up in pain. He was having a nightmare.
Doug hurried over to his bedside and placed his fingers against Ste's face, giving him three gentle shakes.

Ste awoke, panting and alert, he jumped away from Doug's hand, forgetting where he was as tears streamed down his clearly distressed face. "Get away from me! I hate you! Please stop!" He wailed.

"Ste... It's me. It's Doug. It's not real. You had a nightmare." He looked at him longingly, but daring not touch him again incase he frightened him.

Ste's expression snapped straight over to Doug as he breathed out a sigh of relief and he heaved towards his arms, wrapping his own around his neck as he cried against the comfort of his body, trying to calm. "He was going to get me."

Doug welcomed the mans embrace, as his fingers rubbed up and down his back, trying to soothe him. "No. He can't get you here. It was a bad dream." Yes, Ste was damp with sweat, but Doug needed to do his job and help him. Though for once, it didn't feel like his job. He actually wanted to be there hugging Ste.

After a good few minutes in the silence, Ste lied back down, having being provided new dry sheets, and Doug went to the bathroom to get him a cool flannel, and he dabbed Ste's face slightly with it, giving him some water and tucking him in. "Alright?" He asked worriedly, pushing his hair from the others eyes.

"I am now." He told him with a sleepy smile, reaching out to squeeze Doug's hand. "Thank you. Again. I think I'll be alright now."

And he was right, Doug saw him falling quickly asleep, looking much more rested than before. He looked down and his hand tingled from the touch it just felt, he should've gone back to his office, but he found himself in the chair beside Ste's bed, watching him, not wanting to leave. Just incase. It was his job after all...Right?

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