Poke them
Pull their hair
Play with their hair
Make fun of their clothes
Make fun of them
Pretend like you forgot what they just said to you
Play punch them
Act like your going to hit them
Scare them
Tickle them
Trip them
Knock their stuff off their desk
Goof around
Make faces
Draw mustaches or just draw on them when their asleep
Put make up one them while they sleep
Jump around them
Walk really slow in front of them
Pretend like your going to take your clothes off
Copy their work
Mimic what they say and do
Continuously talk about random things
Interrupt them when their talking
Prank them
Sing off key really loudly
Turn the channel on the tv when their watching it
Turn the tv off when their watching it
Hide their stuff
Knock their stuff out of their hands
Fart around them
Eat the last slice of pizza when they want it
Take food off their plate
Pick them on the shoulder and pretend you didn't do it
Accuse them of something they didn't do
Walk into them
Throw a tantrum
Slam door
Talk to yourself
When their talking to you space out
Say their name over and over again
Repeat everything they say to you
That's all I got for now because I forgot some of the ones I was going to put up if you got any tell me and I'll put them on here.