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A perfect family. One that is impossible to have. What does a perfect family meant anyway, is it really the standard that needs to be followed in the society? Is there any criteria to be one? Or perfection will depends on how you view it. Either way, it all boils down to having one.

Anaya Karis being the good daughter, the average student, the good looking and a goody two shoes kind of a person or so she thought, almost believed in perfect life. Growing up with having things you can have she thought that it is how life should be. Not until, she met the warrior who is going to change her life. Forever.

The walls she built to herself just crashed immediately and to make things worse. The family she thought how perfect is, was never her family to begin with. And again, or so really she thought.

Can love really conquers it all? Can this four-letter word proved no matter how far the distance and time is will make you a better person or would just crashed you?


Copyright © 2020 by Sags98

All rights reserved. No part of this story maybe reproduce, transmitted and or distributed by any means of form or writing such as photocopying, recording and may it be through electronic or mechanical more so traditional method.

All views and opinions expressed by the author in the story are all fictional. Any similarity or identical with the name and or characters are just pure imagination of the author.

Warning: This story may contains scenes that are may not suitable for young readers. Readers discretion is advised.

Grammatical errors and any typographical errors can be read along the way. May you understand that we do all make mistakes and learning is always a work in progress. Thank you.

This is my first story ever published in wattpad hope you may like it.
May God Bless us all.

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