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My name is Hope Mikaelson. Yes the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson.  A lot of people fear him becaus did his past. But now he and my mom are dead. My mom died because of me and my dad because it's was his decision.

I'm in the library. Trying to find a book that I need. I heard a noose na for was My ex.

"Go away Roman." I turned to find the book

"Hope I know your mad at me but at least let me explain." Does he think ill.give him a chance?

"No I told you to let me and my mom go but you didn't. It's your fault that my mom is dead!" I ran to my room. I need my parents. Even if there dead I need them to comfort me. I cried and cried till I fell asleep.

 I cried and cried till I fell asleep

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