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Fucking therapy.

Eddie hated therapy.

He shouldn't have to do it.

He fought a demon clown, so what? It's not like he could tell anybody. He had nightmares but a lot of people did and they didn't have to do therapy. 'Well most people don't have recurring nightmares about fighting a fucking immortal clown' he thought. But no one knew exactly what his nightmares were about, not even The Losers. Eddie had a feeling they were all hiding something about their nightmares but he didn't blame them.

   So here he was at therapy for the third time that week, he had to go every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and he wasn't listening to a single thing she was saying.

   "Eddie?" She asked, 'shit she noticed I wasn't paying attention'

   "Yeah?" He asked feigning innocence.

   "Are you listening to me?" 'yep she noticed'

   "No, sorry"

   "Well, I was thinking we could start on a new sleeping medication. What do you think?"

   "I don't think it will help" Eddie answered honestly. She frowned.

   "Eddie, this is the last time you're going to be seeing me and we haven't made any progress. I just want to help you."

   "The last time?" Eddie asked.

   "Oh, your mother didn't tell you?" She asked and he shook his head, "you're moving."

   "What!?" He squeaked. Eddie took his inhaler out of his fanny pack and inhaled the medicine. "Where!? What about my friends!? I've only ever lived in Derry!?" All his questions and concerns all came out at once.

   "Eddie you'll be okay, your friends are going too and it's good you try new things. Maybe it will be good for you to get out of Derry." Eddie nodded. The Losers were coming with him, he would be fine.

   "Do you know where?"

   "Hawkins, Indiana"



   The losers Club, well most of the losers... Eddie was a therapy, rode their bikes home stopping at Richie's house first to drop him off. Richie noticed the living truck in front of his house but didn't think to much afoot it assuming it was for his neighbours. They yelled their goodbyes as Richie rode his bike into the garage.

   "Richie?!" His mother called. "Is that you, honey?!"

   "Yeah, Ma" he answered.

   "Come here for a minute, sweetheart, your father and I need to have a talk with you." Please don't be THE talk, Richie begged in his head.

   He walked into the living room and stopped the furniture was gone and a his parents sat on a few suitcases.

   "We goin' somewhere" He asked laughing nervously.

   "We're moving, hon" his mom said nervously, waiting for his reaction.

   "B-but mom!" He stuttered. "I have friends here!" His lower lip started trembling, no don't cry you're not a baby, he tried to hide it.

   "Oh, sweetheart, there is good news too. Your friends and their parents are coming with us!" Richie Trashmouth Tozier looked shocked.

   "We're all moving too the same place? Stan, Bev, Ben, Bill, Mike, Mal, and Eddie?" His mother grinned and he took that as a yes. "Where are we going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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