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Third Person POV

"Yes! I finally got out!" The boy with (h/c) hair shouted as he skipped down the empty sidewalk 

"Time to go explore!" He shouted excitedly 

"There he is!" A man shouted

 "Oh? They found me already? That was fast." The boy mumbled as he stared at the pack of people who were running towards him 

"Heya! You guys missed me that much?!" He shouted as he waved at them, not getting a reply 

"I'll take that as a yes." The (e/c) eyed boy said 

"Well, I didn't miss you, you stupid meanies!" He shouted before sticking his tongue out and running away, adrenaline pumping in his veins

 "This is exciting!" He whispered, hearing the men shouting while running after him.

"Will I get caught or will I escape?" He asked himself in a happy tone, not noticing the surroundings around him changing

 "I'm hungry but there's nothing to eat!" The boy whined 

"I mean I could go back to the asylum, they give me food.." He mumbled as he stopped running 

"Nah, the food they have there is shit. I might as well just explore and eat a bunch of good food! Yeah!" He shouted happily

 "Wait..." He closely observed the area around him and gasped 

"Woah!" He whispered in awe 

"Everything just changed!" He said as he looked behind him, the path from before completely changed.

 A tall man suddenly appeared behind the  (h/c) haired boy and pressed a knife against the boy's neck 

"I suggest you don't move or I'll kill you on the spot." The man said in his deep velvety voice.

 A large smile grew on the (h/c) haired boy's face 

"Eh?! You'll kill me for free?! Please do!" The boy replied happily

 "Huh?" The black haired man looked at the boy with a confused look in his eyes.

 In his many years of living, he had met many people who had wanted to die but never this excited and happy like the boy in front of him, it greatly intrigued him

 "Hmm." The red eyed man retreated his weapon, swiftly taking a step back from the boy.

"Aww. You aren't going to kill me?" 

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