Chapter One

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*Bing* there goes the facebook chat again. I have been arguing with my so called best friend for over an hour now. She had long black hair, green eyes, and was taller than me. Again sounded the chat for almost 6 times when I noticed she recently just signed off leaving a new status in place. 

"Need a new best friend, this one is being to much of a bitch" 

I gasped in the sight of that, how could she say I'm being a bitch when she was the one aruging with me just because of some boy that had just recently dumped her and moved, and I had just said wow to her, then she begins calling me a bad friend. I looked over the comments and just stood there with my mouth opened, these back stabbers 

Come on Amy don't let her get the best of you. 

I walked out my bedroom and noticed the house still and quiet. My mother was out for a sonogram and had taken my two step sisters to their grandmothers house and my actual sister to a babysitter. My father had died when my first little sister turned 5 months, he was just found dead. My mom never had never got out with anyone but seemed to keep bring back a pregnant belly and never told me who their part of the family is. I noticed a note on the table and walked over to get it 

"Honey, a visiter will be over to speak with you. Put on nice clothes and make everything good" 

I growled at the paper, my mother knew I hate visiters but still seemed to invite them over. I went upstairs and into the bathroom and hopped in to take a quick shower. Put on some skinny jeans, a blue shirt and blue converse. The door bell rang and I couldn't believe how quick they had come. Running the stairs quickly, I took a deep breath before opening. I opened the door. 

I partically gasped at the guy standing outside of my door. His smile had made a cold wind go up my spine. He was tall and had brownish hair, his eyes were dark green and looked in very good shape. I was probably admiring him because I was startled at the sound of his voice 

"Amy?" His voice was deep but in a cute way, he was so gorgeous that it made me want to kiss him but that would be naughty because I do not know him. 

"Yes, and you are?" 

"I am Christopher, your mother sent me here" 

"Yeah, your name is too long, I'll call you Chris." I said this with a small smile

He smirked and looked around I then noticed that he was still standing outside so I moved out the way and he walked in. He kept looking around the house and just smiled, I have been staring at him for a while now while he sat on my couch. Everything was very quiet. 

"Just to make conversation" Chris was now facing me and rose one eyebrow and I bit my lip.

"Yeah?" I was picking at my jeans and looking at him

"Your mother had told me that you have only one sister who is actually your sister" He rose both eyebrows while watching me make a face 

I sighed "my father died before giving my mother the 4 children she had asked, but someone had been giving her them" 

Chris nodded and smirked 

"What?" He just shook his head and stood up and walked towards the kitchen. I was now wondering my mother had sent him here, maybe so I won't be alone. Chris was over thinking something while drinking a cup of water. He kept nodding his head at every thing. It was really creeping me out. I looked towards a picture and I looked back and screamed. He was now sitting next to me again. 

"What happened Amy? Are you ok?" His face was very confused 

I tried to calm down "wasn't you over there?" 

He laughed and looked in my eyes "you probably didn't see me walk over here" 

His eyes met into mines and I felt a chill crawl up my spine, I felt as if I was staring into a mirror but I magic mirror that made me feel good inside. His green perfect eyes then looked away and I was there left staring at him. He looked at my hand and noticed my charm bracelet and looked back at me 

"did your father give you that?" He was touching one of the charms and I snatched my hand away. He then rose an eyebrow and looked at me

"he gave me every charm everytime he came back from his trips"

He looked at me while I thought of the last time of seeing my dad leave. He had just woken me up to make sure I was the first that he sees. I had just asked him where he was going and he just smiled. I remember hugging him good bye and giving him a picture of me and him and telling him to be safe. Once he boarded that bus, I had the only feeling that I was never going to see him again. A year later waited for him to arrive, his bus arrived and I sprung in exciment but only came out a man, to pay his respects, my mother fell to the floor crying and screaming. I remember the men on the bus looking down except one that looked at me with loveful eyes and just smiled a little. I was confused that day. Then the man who had paid his respects walked over to me and went on one knee I remember those exact words Your daddy won't be coming home this time. Asking him where he was with tears filling up my eyes. He looked down and replyed somewhere very nice looking down at you. I remember watching my mother cry her eyes out while my aunt crying holding Stephanie. I was crying also but the man just handed me a paper that said be safe daddy, I turned it around and then started crying more. 

 Chris had been looking at me for a while since I was deep in thought and held my hand. It startled me because when he did that, I felt my tears coming out more and actually crying, he pulled me into a hug and I held on him tight crying my eyes out. 

"He must be very proud on how you took all of that" 

"yeah, but now I just wonder. How was my mother having these other kids." Chris looked at my hand and looked at me. But before he said anything my mother came in with my sisters with a huge smile on her face. 

"IT'S A BOY! MY FIRST BOY!" She was laughing and smiled while Jessie and Kimberly had walked in. Stephanie walked in and stopped when she saw Chris. She looked at me and back at him. 

"Congratulation Madelina" I gasped at that name, because the only person who had ever said that was my father when he was joking though because my mother hated it. 

"Thank You Christopher" My mother walked upstairs with the two and left us three there. Stephanie still in shock though. 

"Well I better get going. I will see you tomorrow Amy. and I'll finish what I wanted to tell you" He smiled and left. I looked at Stephanie and noticed that she was looking at the floor now. She walked slowly up the stairs then stopped and shouted 

"AMY HAS A BOYFRIEND!" And laughed running while I chased her.

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