A Staircase to Heaven

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The very first time that I saw Lizzie , I thought she was a shy, insecure girl. It was church of 2nd grade and I was doing crafts like I always am. Probably coloring some cross neon pink or something, until the church volunteer called me over to the door. She introduced me to a small, skinny girl and I led her over to the seat next to me. I had a small stuffed fox with me that she pointed out, and that single stuffed animal, started an everlasting friendship.

About a year after she left that church, I saw her on my very first day of school during my 3rd period class.

"Wait! I know who that is!" I remember thinking to myself.

Later that day, I was eager, yet nervous to greet her. I've always been the type to distance myself from people I haven't gotten to know, but apparently she wasn't. I was by the ziplines, when the freckled, fiery red headed girl walked over to me. She said hello awkwardly, but I can't say that I replied too confidently either. Parting our ways, the whole 4th grade year we weren't quite friends until she became good friends with some of my friends.

5th grade, we were sort of in the same friend group, but we didn't really know where eachother stood, friendship wise. I wanted her to be my best friend but she had another best friend, A.K.A the most popular girl in the school. Finally, in 6th grade (after her popular best friend broke her heart), she would sometimes "choose" me, but she would always rather "choose" someone better. At least that's what I thought.

2019 was the best year I'd ever had. I got to go to Ireland and California, I got a major part in a play, and I gained more friendship with Lizzie. But soon 2020 would hit and everything would crash to the ground.

The whole world seemed to have frozen in time. Everything was still except for Lizzie and mine's friendship. We would always call on the phone to share stories and ideas.

We laughed

"Omg Roni! Do you remember that time when...."

We cried

"Liz please, how on earth did you get and A...."

We lived

"I made this for you, I hope you like it....

We even fought

"How dare you Roni! I thought I could trust you! (No worries, the fighting never lasted for more than a night)

Anyway, Lizzie is now my all time best friend. I look up to her and share all of my secrets with her. All I want is to have her in my life forever, and when she is gone, to cherish the memories that I had with her. Finding my heaven might have involved quite a bit of climbing, but once you get to the top of your staircase, you'll find that it was all worth it.

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