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Weeks had passed since Fengen had ascended as the leader of Aleu's pack, and right from the start, he imposed strict and oppressive rules. Among them, the most infuriating was the mandate that all food acquired by the wolves be surrendered to Fengen, who would devour it all while the rest of the pack received mere scraps. This unjust practice led to the death of several wolves, mostly helpless pups.

A handful of courageous wolves had attempted to rebel, but with the aid of his pack, Fengen swiftly crushed their resistance, making an example of them in front of the entire pack. Nevertheless, with the support of Kodi and Handaya, Aleu had managed to convince a few wolves to join the rebellion. Ilkins, Askis, Hana, and Khilen were among them.

Though their numbers were few, totaling only seven, each of them had suffered personal losses due to Fengen's tyrannical reign. Ilkins, a young she-wolf with striking blue eyes, had lost both her parents, slain by the new leader for their defiance. Askis had lost his pup, his only remaining solace after the death of his mate, Nalus. Hana's partner had perished from starvation, and as for old Khilen, he had lost nearly everyone dear to him—his mate, his son, and even his son's offspring—all victims of Fengen's cruelty or the relentless grip of hunger.

Every night, while the other wolves slumbered, this small group of rebels gathered deep within the woods. Under the moon's watchful gaze, they devised plans to put an end to the suffering inflicted upon their kin by Fengen.

"We must be patience," Aleu declared, her voice firm yet filled with determination.

"Patience?" Ilkins retorted, her voice laced with frustration. "It has already been a week, Aleu. How much longer must we wait? We should act now!"

"Ilkins," Khilen interjected, his voice filled with wisdom. "Our pack has already acted rashly, and look where it has led us. We must trust in Aleu's guidance and be patient."

Ilkins hesitated for a moment, contemplating Khilen's words, before ultimately conceding.

"I apologize, Aleu. Please continue," she said, her tone softened.

"No apologies necessary, Ilkins," Aleu replied, understanding the younger wolf's impatience all too well. "I understand your feelings." And with a touch of sadness, she added, "When my father passed away, I felt the same."

Seeking to shift the focus, Askis spoke up. "What is the plan, Aleu?"

Gathering together, with Kodi and Handaya joining their circle, they settled down, eager to hear Aleu's strategy.

"I have observed that Fengen sleeps in the same location every night—at the depths of the cave," Aleu began, her voice steady and resolute. "If we can move silently and swiftly, perhaps we can seize him by the throat."

"You truly desire to make him suffer so greatly?" Khilen questioned, astonishment etched across his face. Aleu, however, met his gaze with a stern expression.

"He must pay for the torment he has unleashed," she asserted. "For what he has done to our pack, for the death of my father... for everything! Do you take issue with that?"

"It's just that inflicting a slow and agonizing death upon a wolf goes against tradition," Khilen tried to justify.

"Traditions can change," Aleu declared firmly. "This is the path we shall follow. The decision is made."

With those words, she turned away from the group, seeking solace in her solitude. Khilen, however, trailed after her.

To Aleu, Khilen was more than a fellow pack member; he was a surrogate father, the only paternal figure she had left since Balto's passing. As Aleu assumed leadership, their bond had deepened, their hearts intertwining in the face of adversity. She sought Khilen's wisdom, relying on his counsel to navigate the challenges of leadership and finding solace in his presence during the darkest of moments.

"Aleu..." Khilen began, but she interrupted him before he could utter another word.

"Why are you following me?" she asked, her tone tinged with severity.

"Because I comprehend your emotions," he replied. "You are not the only one who has suffered loss. Askis, Ilkins, Hana, and myself—we have all experienced the pain of losing someone dear. Perhaps, in my case, more so than any of you. However, to inflict suffering upon Fengen..."

Those words struck Aleu, evoking a profound sadness within her. She had almost forgotten that others had also borne the weight of grief, losing their loved ones in this cruel battle.

"I understand, Khilen," she replied, her voice tinged with sorrow. "But wolves like Fengen should not be allowed to exist."

Khilen stood speechless, stunned by her proclamation. It was the first time he had heard Aleu advocate for the death of another.

"Aleu, we must remain united," Khilen implored, concern etched across his aged features. "If we choose to fight, let us do so honorably."

Aleu turned, her gaze locking onto the old wolf. Silent tears streamed down her face, dampening the ground beneath her paws.

"What troubles you?" Khilen asked, his voice gentle as he drew nearer to the desolate she-wolf.

"He presented me with a choice," Aleu revealed, her voice trembling with anguish. "The day he summoned me privately to the cave... he presented me with a choice."

"What choice did he offer?" Khilen inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"He claimed there is only one path to end this civil war," Aleu continued, her voice strained as she fought to suppress her tears. "He said he needs descendants, and if I bear his pups, he will leave our pack in peace."

"But once you bear his pups, he will kill you. You know this," Khilen protested, his concern evident.

"And he will kill you regardless," Aleu countered, her voice resolute.

A glimmer of hope flickered within Aleu, challenging her resolve. What if it truly was the only means to bring an end to this turmoil?

"But what if he doesn't?" she pondered aloud. "What if he acts differently?"

"Why didn't you tell the others?" Khilen questioned, his tone almost stern.

"They need to harbor fear. It is the only incentive that will rouse them to fight," Aleu responded, her voice heavy with the weight of responsibility.

"Throughout it all, you have led us with unwavering wisdom, making decisions that prioritize the pack's well-being," Khilen remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "There is another way, and you know it."

"If you were the leader, would you sacrifice your life for the pack?" Aleu posed, her voice filled with vulnerability, desperately seeking guidance.

Khilentook a moment to collect his thoughts, preparing to respond, when a hauntinghowl pierced the night air. Aleu's ears perked up, recognizing the distinctsound that reverberated through the woods—it was not Kodi's call, nor that ofany of the rebels. It was Balto's howl.

Balto IV: Wolf Destiny [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now