The night before Halloween

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It’s exactly half past eleven. Everyone’s fast asleep. Well… everyone except me. Can you blame me though? I tried telling mum but she wouldn’t believe me and would tell me off. They think I’ve watched too many horror films, so, now I’m just imagining things. I’m not!

I know that there is something, or to be more precise- someone under my bed. I can feel it’s presence because every time I switch off my lights and lie on my bed, I can feel the cold breeze blowing around me making the hair on my neck stand up. You still don’t believe me? I’ve felt it’s hand once too. I thought I was catching onto my teddy, that sometimes lies under the bed (all thanks to Bruno), when actually I had caught hold of my bed monster’s hand. The hand was nothing like that of a humans. I  was scared to my guts that day and I’ve been up at night ever since. Do you believe me now?

Tonight, however, I’m more scared than any other night. Everything feels strange for some reason and to make matters worse, tomorrow is Halloween! The whole town is decorated in spooky lights and decorations. Nina once told me that her nanny had once told her, “if  you have ever felt a spirit lurking anywhere around you but have never seen it, then it probably means that the spirit has some unfinished business with you and it will definitely show it’s self to you on Halloween night.”

What if what Nina's nanny said is true and the bed monster has some unfinished business with me? What if it eats me up? What if……no no, I can’t imagine anymore!

I don’t know what will happen to me tonight but you please check under your bed  before you go to sleep, for any monsters especially on Halloween night.


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