13. Altan

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That note, that note saying my mate was taken, set something off in me that I kept hidden for years, it brought that part of me that I couldn’t control when I was a teenager. I let Amar take full control and scented out my mate within the hour. Only to arrive where his scent ended to find him not there. I set the whole place on fire after destroying the cabin. Papa found me along with uncle Ethan, Kody, and some warriors when I was running through the forest. Amar was on a rampage and he didn’t care who was in his way, he would have killed to get to Brent.

If it weren’t for a few simple words from Kody, he would have kept control and killed anyone in his way.

“Think of Gary and Joseph, they need you right now more than ever.” Those words made Amar stop in his tracks and ever since that moment, Amar wouldn’t let them leave the house. I don’t blame him, we already have one mate who is missing, we don’t want our other mate’s to be taken as well.

I couldn’t protect Brent from being taken and from the torture he is going through. I have visions of it and can feel it, all three of us can feel it but thankfully it’s not as bad as it could be. I fear for my cub's life and Brent’s. Years I went without my mate, had him for such a short amount of time and this happens. I am slowly losing my mind. In my visions I can’t see a damn thing that would give his location. Just a room with a light above his head and him tied to a chair. It’s killing me that I can’t find him, no matter how hard I try, no matter with all my damn powers, I can’t find my mate! 

“It’s going to be ok Altan, it’s going to be ok, we’ll find him I promise, just hang in there bro, I got you.” Kody is the only one who has seen me break down I don’t know how many times. I have to be strong for my mate’s but when I’m with Kody, I can let myself feel the pain of my mate being gone with no way of finding him. Kody doesn’t judge, he just holds me as I cry and tells me it’s going to be ok that we will find him. He knows how I feel given what he’s been through so I trust his words, it’s just hard being strong all the time. 

“I need to find him Kody, he’s in pain and I don’t know how much longer he can handle it or if our cub will make it.” I said after a bit of him comforting me and he sighed softly and kissed my forehead.

“I know Altan, it’s one hell of a situation and we have our very best people looking for him, we get reports every hour on the hour and everyone won’t rest or give up until he is found. I know you love him and your baby so trust that your family won’t let you down. Brent will be found.” 

“Do you think you can ever forgive him?” I asked and he shrugged.

“Now isn’t the time for that conversation Altan.” He said so I dropped it. I know he still has mixed feelings which is his right so I won’t push it. 

“Ok, how are my niece and nephews?” 

“Corey is good, walking and trying to talk and Amilia is starting to sit up a little. Corey tries to get her to play with him and Mike, he’s starting to sleep through the night.” Mike is his and Chase’s baby who was born a few months ago. He’s an adorable little boy who looks exactly like Chase. They named him after Alpha Mike since Kody sees him as a father figure and Mike has been Kody’s idol so when they told Alpha Mike they named their son after him, Alpha Mike cried happy tears and was so touched at the thought of Kody naming his son after him. It was a beautiful moment. 

"That's great, and how is Dexter?" I know he is a sensitive topic for Kody right now. Dexter has had some issues especially with claiming that he wants to take Amilia and leave. 

"I caught him trying to take Amilia last night. When we were all busy in Ethan’s office Dexter packed their stuff and almost made it out of the packhouse doors. He was caught by a warrior and I was notified as soon as it happened, that's why I left abruptly during the meeting. He told me he is Amilia's mother and that he has a right to take her which by blood he does but by law he doesn't. They are both my kids and one is getting a lot better, like she was never sick and Dexter acts like he's a prisoner. I have to have someone always watching him now so he doesn't try to escape with her again. I shouldn't have to worry about my son taking my daughter and running away. I don't know what to do. I love them both but he tried once, I'm worried he will do it again and Ethan told me if he did, he'll kick Dexter out of the pack. He's already had a troubled past with drinking and drugs and 'lost' his daughter, who's to say he is stable enough to be left alone? I love him, I do my best to show him I do and it seems like it's not enough." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair and had a sad smile on his face. He doesn't look like the handsome man I have known most of my life, he looks, dejected. 

"Wow I had no idea it was that bad. Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because Altan you had and have your own issues to worry about, I didn't want my stuff added to your worries. I'll be fine, I always am." He reminds me so much of grandpa Liam right now. 

"Don't hold it in Kody, you have people you can talk to and lean on, no matter what."

"Same goes for you. You’re not alone Altan, you have two mates that are here and are hurting, a family who loves and supports you in anything you do. Now let's go see what the report shows." He got up and I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into a hug and I sighed. I love this guy.

We went inside the packhouse to see Ethan waiting at the doorway to the kitchen. Kody walked over to him and they kissed, I had to look away. It hurts too much to see them so happy when my heart is broken so bad. 

The door slammed open with a heavy breathing Gary and Joseph holding a phone. I immediately went to them to first see if they were ok and to see what's going on.

"Brent...i...is...hospital...he." Gary was panting too hard to finish so I grabbed my phone. 

"Hello who is this? Yes, this is Brent’s family. Ok thank you, we'll be there soon." I hung up and sighed in relief. 

"He's at the county hospital in Portland. We gotta go!" I said and we all ran outside and got in my truck and I sped out of the territory to get to town to my mate.

"I told daddy and Caleb, they will meet us there with the family." Ethan said and it was silent after that. 

I kept thinking of what kind of condition he was in, if my cub was ok, if he was ok. I wonder how he got away. Four hours later and I pulled into the parking lot and we all got out and ran inside. 

"I'm here to see Brent Walker. I got a call saying he was here." I said to the nurse who was looking at me with lust in her eyes and licker her lips. 

"Well hey sexy, wanna hook up after my shift?" She asked, completely ignoring the two men who were holding my hands. 

"No I don't, I want to see my boyfriend so please if you would tell me where I can find him." I said and she huffed before typing into the computer. She took her time and Amar was getting pissed at the looks she kept giving us and taking her time. 

"Baby come on, I know you want me." She tried again and that's it, I snapped. 

"Listen here you good for nothing little slut, you have things that disgust me in every way possible. You aren't even pretty so if I did like tits and pussy, you aren't attractive for me to get hard so stop trying to get me to fuck you and tell me where I can find my boyfriend who has a beautiful cock and tight ass that I devour any chance I get!" Amar roared and our eyes changed colors to his brighter blue and she flinched back and had tears in her eyes but I didn't care. She was shaking and stuttered out where Brent was. 

We found his floor and ran to his room only to be stopped by going in by the doctor coming out. 

"How is he?!" We all asked the poor man who got scared by our loud voices. 

"Brent sustained a lot of injuries that luckily aren't life threatening. He's sleeping now. He has some cuts and bruises, lost some blood and is dehydrated but he will be fine. The baby also." The doctor said and he smiled a warm smile. 

"My mate is a wolf so your secret is safe with me. I noticed the mate mark on his neck and noticed his belly was round and hard so when no one was in the room I did an ultrasound and the baby is perfectly healthy. He can go home in the morning." 

"How did he end up here?" I asked.

"He said he escaped and said Altan, passed out and when he woke up again is when he was more clear. He said the people who had him underestimated him and were fools for tying his hands the last time in front of him so he did what he could to loosen the rope and there was only one guy at the cabin. He said he put the guy in a choke hold and when he fell, Brent walked out and walked for miles he said until he saw the town and crawled into the ER. He told us your number had a nurse call as soon as possible." 

"Thank you so much." I said and he patted my shoulder and walked away. I opened the door and my breath hitched at the sight of my beautiful mate laying on the bed. 

"Goodness you are a sight for sore eyes. You rest love and we'll be here when you wake up. I love you." I said softly and kissed his forehead gently and his belly where my cub lay. I sat down and held his hand, just watching him sleep, safely.

Now to find the mother fuckers who hurt my mate but for now, he's my focus. 

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now