𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛;

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Noah's POV:
Today I was finally gonna see her again. We've FaceTimed everyday, and I couldn't wait to take her into my arms.
In like an hour my flight to London would've come and she'll wait at the airport for me and-
"NOAHHHHH!" Ugh Chloe cut off my thoughts about my baby.
"What?" I yelled back. I was laying on my bed as she entered my room.
"You have to come down we'll drive in 5  Mom said ."
"Okay be right there." I got up and checked If I had everything. I was gonna stay 2 months in London. Insanely long, but everything to be with her. Btw I'd arrive at the airport  at 7 am or so.(the one in London lol)

When we arrived we checked in and- yeah you know this process. I finally sat in the plane and could  just continue dreaming of her. So i had something to do at  my 6 and a half hour flight. Yay?

I finally landed in London tho I was super tired cause I barely slept because of this weird man sitting next to me, he was snorting like hell.

I was looking for my exit when I saw her standing in between a crowd of people rushing to get their flight.

"Schnipper!" She screamed out of excitement. She ran towards me, I let my two bags fall on the floor and my suitcase roll away, but I didn't care I was just happy to see her again.

She jumped on top of me and I hugged her so tight as I never hugged someone.
"Hey Miwwie." She hopped down.
"I missed you so muchhh." She said with the 'I'm talking to a puppy voice'.
"So you have an English accent already?"
"Sure." She said proud.
"So then show me somethin."
She cleared her throat.
"Oh bollocks, Noah where did your suitcase go, bloody hell? Na nevamind, bundle the lads are waiting."
"Oh wow I'm impressed and I think I've never heard you swear before tho."
She giggled.
"No but like for real let's get your suitcase we have to rush." She dragged me after her and we spent ngl 15 minutes on looking for it.

We finally arrived at the set of "Enola Holmes." It was quite beautiful, we first went to Millies trailer.
"Wow man, why couldn't t we get such big trailers when we filmed Strangerthings?"
"Yup it's giant, isn't it." I nodded.
She went through a small hallway leading me to go after her.
"So this is the bedroom, we can share or you take the couch."  Did she really have to ask me where I wanted to sleep?
"Oh i don't know, what would you prefer?" I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
"Noahhhh of course I want you to sleep with me-"
I cleared my throat.
"Yeah, really?" I asked playfully.
"You know what I meant." She said, keeping a straight face.
"Yeah so you're still not ready." Oml what did I- I'm so stupid, the words just slipped over my lips.
She widened her eyes.
"No I am now, I think at least, but still that was very rude to ask from you Mister Schnapp " She said with a silly voice.
"Wait wait wait wait- ."I cut her off
"Did you just say you were ready?" She rolled her eyes.
"I mean yeah probably since we're longer together and everything, but don't try anything Schnapp, it happens when it happens." Okay I was totally not freaking out-
I tried however to leave those thoughts behind and focus, we unpacked my stuff and she showed me around the set a little.

Filming was going to start the next days so there obviously was a table read that day, they allowed me to come there with Millie since I wouldn't know what to do on set alone.
There were many rows of tables and chairs, just like in school, ew. Millie and I sat at the very beginning near the directors and everything. There was a little label it read:
"Enola Holmes"
(Millie Bobby brown)

And mine read :
"BG actor"
Noah Schnapp

How lovely, I was actually gonna be in the movie but just as a background actor since I didn't get the part of 'Lord Tewksbury' because It'd be weird because "we're known as siblings in the number one Netflix show." Sweet home Alabama..
But to be honest was okay with that, I was working since I was eleven, I could've use a break.
Millie and I took a quick looked through the script, and I had to admit, this was gonna be a damn good movie.
I noticed that the room got filled with people, since it was almost 10 am. Many people came to millie and greeted and congratulated her. Suddenly a teenage boy Millies age came over and they hugged. I stood up and shook his hand.
"Hello, you must be Noah, lovely meeting you." He said in an English accent. Oh I think I knew who that guy was.
"Hi, Louis?" He nodded.
"Sure am-" then he turned to face Millie.
"Good luck to you now." Millie returned it and then he went to his seat. Actually he seemed pretty nice I mean a table read can be really stressful right?
"He seems nice." I whispered into Millies ear.
"Noah, I'm sure you'll two be great friends, just try to get to know him." She must've realized I seemed jealous.

The table read literally took five hours, and especially at 'Tewksbury' scenes I felt really uncomfortable.

I need to update more skskkspls voteeee

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