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"Erm what?"

Annoyed, I rolled my eyes at Shar before repeating my earlier words.

"Take me home please."

Shar turned flickered his attention from the deserted road ahead of him for a second, his uncovered eyes cutting to my face sharply. He didn't say anything with the first glance, but as soon as the second glance hit my face, I knew Shar was pissed.

His face held no expression at all as he stared straight ahead. Occasionally, the street lights would shine in through the windows, casting dancing shadows and illuminating Shar's face.

"Why?" He asked slowly, dragging out the simply word slowly and in a low voice. I could feel myself slowly sink down into the car seat.

"I want to go home." I said back, my voice taking a much lower and quieter tone.

Shar glanced at me again.

"Are you telling me that you want to go home to a house where your parents kicked you down to the ground and where they spoon feed your other pregnant sister, who mind you, slept with your own fucking boyfriend?"

I couldn't hide the flinch spazzing through my whole body, because when Shar put it like that, it really sucked.

But still. "Yes." I answered with a small nod.

"Bullshit. Tell me the real reason." Shar snapped back.

"That is my reason." I replied firmly.

"It isn't."

I narrowed my eyes on Shar. "That is my reason Shar, take it or leave it."

"I'll take it and throw it right out the window." Shar scoffed.

"You're so annoying." I told him.

"Good to know, Princess."

I let out an annoyed sigh and turned my head to look out the window. Shar was driving through a quiet, yet oddly awake street. The houses all looked unprovided for, looking nothing like the area I came from.

Then I knew where we were.

"Why did you bring me back here?" I asked Shar slowly, not taking my eyes off the long, familiar street. There was vandalism everywhere but I couldn't help but see a cultural aspect to it, helping shape the individuals set of norms. They were living here and they made sure to make it all theirs. And of course, there was the silent agreement that new people were not welcome. And I was definitely not welcome even though I wasn't so new to this area.

Last time I came around here, I was waiting for Luca to pick me up. Since he was fashionably running late, a couple of delinquents managed to corner me and it all ended with Shar coming to my rescue.

My eyes scanned the neighbourhood, in search for the same people.

"I have to see a friend real quick."

"This time?" I screeched out in a whisper, not looking his way. I didn't want to be around this area at all and not just because the people peed their territory around here, but because of all the negative correlations with this place. All the bad things that followed afterwards, all the ways my life ended up like.

I was meant to be studying in College, closer to getting my degree but I decided to take the other half of the year off. Then I had a plan. Now I have nothing.

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