Chapter 2

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RECAP: He proceeds to raise his fist, and right before he could land a strike, something stops him. I look up and see...

Adams POV:

I was walking back towards my beautiful mate and I see some ass hat about to hit my mate. I see red. I use my super speed from my demon side and I stop the fist and look at him in pure rage. I'm sure he was scared considering he was slightly shaking from the look in my eye. "What the hell do you think your doing?" "I-I I was just teaching this worthless fag whos boss, wanna join?" he said. I just glared at him. He removed his fist from my hand "Lets go guys. We can teach that fag later." He walked off with his group.

Charlies POV:

 Adam grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me towards him. "Are you alright?" He asked. I was a blushing mess. I've never been held by a guy like this. "Y-Yeah I'm good." I quite liked being close to him. Blushing like crazy, I moved my hands to his chest and rested my head on his chest. "Are you sure, he didn't touch you right?" He said while moving his right hand in small circles on my back in a comforting motion. His left hand stayed on my waist. "Yeah, I'm sure. We should probably start heading home. But can we stay like this for a couple minutes?" I said blushing at the end. "Sure." He said while still rubbing my back. He placed his head on top of mine, and unwillingly, I started to fall asleep. The nights of extra chores and almost no sleep caught up to me. I ended up falling asleep on his chest.

Adams POV:

He fell asleep on my chest. I couldn't help myself so I leant down and kissed his forehead. I picked him up with his head in the crook of my neck, his legs around my waist, and his arms over my shoulders. I walked towards my car and saw his to friends. I think they're names were Anne and Lily? Maybe Annie? Either way, when they saw me carrying Charlie they came over. "Why are you carrying Charlie?" Anne questioned. "He fell asleep." I said curtly. They looked at me incredulously while I kept walking to my car. Then Charlie started to wake up a little. I could tell he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep recently. I took my jacket off my hips and placed it on top of him. I rubbed small circles on his back. "Shh shh shh" I quietly shushed him. He moved his head and got more comfortable, and then fell back asleep. The girls behind me looked baffled. I just raised an eyebrow to them. "He never feels comfortable sleeping in public, how did you get him to sleep?! We've been friends with for 4 years and we have never been able to make him sleep!" She slightly yelled. I put my finger to my lips, pointed at Charlie, and then shrugged my shoulders. I continued walking to my car, and the 2 girls followed me. I got to my car and it was a matte black 2021 Aston Martin DBS. The girls look shocked. I just opened the passenger side door and gently put Charlie in the seat. I placed my jacket on top of him again and clipped in his seatbelt. I turn around to see the 2 girls still there. "Did you need something?" I asked. "Where are you taking Charlie?" "My house." "Why?" "I was supposed to drive him home but he fell asleep so Ill take him to my house to rest." They just stared at me. "How do we know you aren't going to do something to him?" She asked. "I won't." They stare at me incredulously. I walk to the other side and open the driver side door. I get inside, turn on the car, and roll down the window. "Ill see you guys tomorrow." I said. They nodded, still kind of shocked. I pull out of the parking lot and head home. I turn up the heaters a little and grab Charlies hand. I intertwine our fingers and use my thumb to rub small circles on his hand. 

~Time skip~

When I got home, I turn off the car, get out, and head to the passenger side door. I open it and pick up Charlie they same way I had him before. I close the door and lock the car. I head inside and close the door behind me. I gently placed my cute little mate on my couch. I grabbed a blanket and gently placed it over him. I kissed his forehead again and walked into the kitchen. I started making some popcorn, when it finished I walked back into the living room and started watching TV.

~Time Skip~

Charlie's POV:

I woke up really comfortable. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in a living room. 'Where am I?'  I look around and I see Adam sitting on the chair next to me. I blush. "Good morning Charlie." 'Did I spend the whole night here?!' I think. "I can tell what your thinking, no its not actually morning. If you look outside you'd realize that its actually dark." He said. I looked outside and realized he was right. 'Oh shitttttt, my dads going to be so mad!' I think really worried. It must've shown on my face because right after Adam asks "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm okay, my dads going to be mad since I wasn't home right after school." "Well if you'd like, I can call him and tell him your going to spend the night?" He responds. "I-I would like that, if your parents don't mind?" "Oh, I live alone, so its alright! What's his number so I can call him?" "Its (***)***-****." He nods and goes to call my dad. I hear him talking to my dad, I can tell my dad is angry. The call ends, and Adam walks over to me and says "He said it's fine." I was shocked! I wonder what Adam said that made him agree, he never agrees! "What time is it?" "9:46 p.m., would you like me to make dinner." Adam wonders. As if on que, my stomach grumbles. "Ill take that as a yes." He says while chuckling. 'Omg that was such a wonderful sound. If I were a cat, I might've actually purred!' I blush at the thought. He walks into the kitchen while saying "Feel free to pick something to watch, the remotes on the side table." "Okay, thanks!" I sit down and pick up the remote. I start watching a movie. I got pretty into it, so much so, I didn't hear Adam calling my name for dinner. I jolted when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look over and see Adam. "Hey, I've been calling for dinner, you ready to eat?" He asks. I blush and nod. I get up and walk into the dining room and see French toast. I giggle and look at him to see him blushing. "I like breakfast food, I hope you don't mind." He says shyly. I giggle again and say "I don't mind! I love French toast!" He sighs, in what I believe to be relief. "Well lets dig in shall we?" I nodded. I got 2 pieces of French toast, put butter on it, the powdered sugar. I sit down and take a bite. I moaned, 'This is so good omg!' I think. I look up at Adam to see him smiling, while having a slight pink dusting to his cheeks. I blushed, I like when he smiles. When we finished, we decided to head to bed considering it was almost 11 and we have school tomorrow. We get upstairs, the it hits me, where will I be sleeping, and what am I going to wear tomorrow?! "Uh Adam? Where will I be sleeping and what am I going to wear?" I ask a little worried. "Uh well, I hope you don't mind, but we will be sharing my bed, and you can wear my clothes?" He asks. I blush but nodded that it was okay. "Well let me get some clothes for you to sleep in, the bathroom is right down the hall first door on the left." I nodded again and went to wait in the bathroom. I decided to get undressed. Suddenly, Adam walks in "Omg I'm so sorry!" He says while turning his head away with his arm out with clothes in it. I shyly take the clothes and he walks out while shutting the door. I was blushing so hard. 'Eek that was so embarrassing!' I got changed still blushing. The shorts were too big on my hips, and I decided to just take them off and sleep in his shirt, it wen down to my mid thigh anyway. I then washed my face and walked to his room. To avoid it happening again, I knocked on his door. I heard a faint 'Come in!' and so I walked in. "Hey, the shorts didn't fit. I hope you don't mind if I wear just your shirt?" I asked. He shook his head and said "It's fine, I don't wear a shirt to bed so I hope you don't mind that either." I shook my head. Till he said that, I hadn't realized that he was shirtless. I blushed while shyly glancing at his abs. I couldn't help but stare, he was built so well. "Well, we should get to bed shouldn't we?" He asks. I nod and head to the bed. I get inside and scooch to the side towards the wall. His sheets were so soft, I almost fell asleep before Adam could even get into the bed. I feel the bed dip and I felt a little heat coming off of Adam. It felt nice, but I didn't want to make it more awkward. After a minute or so my eyes started to droop. And soon, I was asleep.

3rd person POV:

Adam was sleeping comfortably when he felt a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw Charlie's head on his chest and Charlie's body up close and leaving almost no space between the two. Not that Adam minded. He was slightly smiling while looking at his adorable mate who was laying on his chest. Adam kissed Charlie's forehead and thought 'I can't wait to make this wonderful human mine.' With that, he curled his right arm around Charlie's back, and the fell back asleep.

That was the best night sleep either one of them had had in a long time.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope this was a good chapter! Please leave a comment if you think they were moving to fast.  Adam was slightly touchy with Charlie but that's because Adam is a demon and Charlie is his mate. I hope you enjoyed and I will try to get the next chapter out soon! 


1844 words.

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