Chapter 1

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Toni's pov:

"TINY!" I was on my couch wrapping Christmas gifts when two idiots barged into my apartment.

"What?" I had to hide the gift I was wrapping around under a couch pillow because it was one of Sweet Pea's.

"You wanna go shopping?" Fangs asked while going into my kitchen and grabbing the bag of chips that were on my counter.

"Um, you know what? Yes"

"Yayy!" He squealed.

I only agreed because I still had to get Jughead's gift do it seemed like an appropriate time to do that.

"Just let me get my shoes on"


When I walked down the hall to my bedroom, I heard the two fighting over the chips when I walked away. I slid on my vans and grabbed my purse and coat.

"Alright let's go guys"

I opened the door for them then locked the door once I was out.


"Do you think Jughead would like these?" I asked Sweets, holding up a box of black air forces.

"Ummmm... No"

"Awesome thanks"

"No problem"

I walked over to the other side of the shoe store and looked through more. I didn't find any I that I thought jug would wear so I went back over to the guys.

"Hey I'm gonna go look at a different store, meet me at the food court?"


"Yeah" they both replied at the same time.

I walked out of the store, looking around for a different place when I saw 'Bath And Body Works' deciding that's where I would get Veronica's present. When I walked in I immediately smelt the strong smell of perfume. I walked up to the counter.

"Hi, are you guys having any sells right now?" I asked to very bored looking worker.

"Yeah there's a 2 for 1 on bath bombs" he said, not even looking up from his phone.


I walked over to the bath bombs and decided to get her two of those and a vanilla scented perfume. After making my purchase, I walked out and headed towards the food court when a flyer caught my eye. I scanned over it, seeing it was for a volunteering job as a mall elf. I instantly got excited, knowing this is something I've always wanted to do.

I took one of the little pieces with the phone number on it and quickly made my way to the food court.

"Guys guys guys! You will not believe what I just found!"

"What is it?" Fangs asked with a mouthful of chinese food in his mouth.

"Okay one, don't talk with your mouth full and two, I am going to be a mall elf!"

They looked at me confusingly and like I was crazy.

"A mall elf!" I said once again with jazz hands.

"And why would you do that?" Sweet Pea asks me.

"Well because, I freaking love Christmas and I've always wanted to be one" I said as if it was obvious.

"She's definitely short enough to be one" Fangs joked, causing Sweet Pea to burst out in laughter.

I slapped Fangs upside the head.


"You guys, I'm actually really excited this isn't a joke" I whined.

"Oh I bet" Sweets smirked.

"Ugh whatever I'm leaving, have fun getting home without a ride"

And with that, I was walking away with an attitude.


"Seriously Toni, a mall elf?" My sister said through the phone.

"Yes Maggie, a mall elf" I unlocked the front door and stepped in, greeting my dog, Tiki.

"When do you start?"

"I talked to the guy over the phone and he said I start tomorrow!"

"And your exited?" Maggie asked in a bored tone.

"Duh. why wouldn't I be?"

"Because that's a terrible job"

"No it's not you just have no Christmas spirit"

"Wel- hey Bella don't touch that please. Ugh I have to go Toni, have fun tomorrow I guess"

"I will thank you very much. Tell Bella I said hi" I said, referring to my niece.

"I will, bye"


I sighed as I hung up the phone. I picked up Tiki and headed to my room. Setting her down on my bed, I went to my bathroom to start my nightly routine.

After getting ready for bed, I hopped in and snuggled up to Tiki.

I'm going to be the best mall elf.

This is going to be a short book, but I wanted it to be longer than a oneshot :)

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