cyber lucky

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A/N What happen after Kurt showed Rachel his tongue peciring and went to skype Blaine to try to get "cyber lucky"


-lynx 🦋


"Maybe if I play a little Maroon 5 I'll get cyber lucky." Kurt clicked his tongue with a wink and ran off to his bedroom to Skype his fiance.

He dropped his bag on the floor near the bedside table, kicked off his shoes and untied his ascot. He jumped on his bed, turned on his laptop and opened Skype. Hovering over the video call button, he hesitated and pulled out his phone. And yes... started playing Maroon 5.

Hitting call, he leaned his chin in his hand and waited for Blaine to answer. After what felt like forever he saw a very confused Blaine pop onto the screen.

"Kurt? What's up, you usually call when you wanna Skype?" He questioned, adjusting his sitting position.

Kurt just sat there silent, raised an eyebrow and smirked at his fiance.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked, growing more confused as Kurt stayed mute. "Kurt?"

Kurt stifled a laugh and leaned closer to the camera before sticking out his tongue.

"Oh my God, KURT!" He exclaimed, slapping a hand over his mouth in disbelief.

Kurt was now giggling like a little kid, unable to control his laughter at the shorter males reaction.

"Is that real?" Kurt nodded. "Did it hurt? Can you talk?"

"Yes I can talk, Blaine. It's just kind of hard to. And no not really." Kurt spoke after he composed himself.

"Oh my God, what made you get that?" Blaine was smiling now, shaking his head at the amount he loved his fiance.

"Louis, the guy who did my tattoo, did it for free when he fixed my tatt." The older boy shrugged, smirking again waiting for Blaine to catch on.

"Oh that was nice of him... wait TATTOO?!" Blaine shrieked this time, eyes going wide as his jaw dropped to the floor. Leaving Kurt a giggling mess once more, rolling back on the bed.

"When did all this happen?" Blaine was back to smiling, leaning his head on his hand with a particular gleam in his eyes.

"The other day, but I wrote 'It Gets Better' wrong so then Louis tattooed it wrong so today I went back and he fixed and pierced my tongue for free." Kurt explained.

"Okay," Blaine spoke, still a little confused, "And when do I get to see this tattoo," glancing around the screen, wondering where it could be, all while licking his lips.

"Oh I don't know, you might just have to wait until you see me." Kurt teased.

"Bullshit, at least tell me where it is." He insisted.

"My shoulder blade," Kurt smirked for the third time, looking at his fiance who had love and lust filling his eyes.

"Shirt off now." Blaine ordered, already pulling off his own shirt.

By the end of the call I guess you could say playing Maroon 5 was a success, cause that night Kurt Hummel did indeed get cyber lucky.

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