Care for you

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No one POV

It was nearly dinner time and Yibo was roaming back and forth waiting to see his soon to be husband. Hearing the commotion outside his room he knew they arrived and his heart started to race faster than his motorcycle. So he immediately ran to them by the time he almost reached he studied himself he doesn't want to look like he ran all the way here because if his Zhan ge caught him, he would tease him to death. And there he is Yibo's to be husband even though they exchanged a few looks and smiles no one spoke, so Yibo's brother took the initiative to start the conversation

 And there he is Yibo's to be husband even though they exchanged a few looks and smiles no one spoke, so Yibo's brother took the initiative to start the conversation

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" I really can't believe that you can write all that cheesy stuff "

" Brother you don't have to tease him like that everyone has their own way of expressing, especially to the people they love "

Replied Zhan, Haikuan just smile and guided them inside when Yibo stopped Zhan and hugged him tightly. The sudden action made Zhan freeze

 The sudden action made Zhan freeze

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" I missed you gege"

" Me too my little brat" hearing Zhan's soft yet deep voice and also his intoxicating cologne made Yibo's heart beat faster. He couldn't even take his eyes off that handsome face.

" You changed too much" said Yibo

"Did I but you didn't change at all still shorter than me " Saying Zhan smiled and winked at Yibo which made him but to hide it he replied

" I'm not short my height is cute you long legs giant bunny "

" Yeah yeah and that cuteness makes my back hurt due to too much of bending to reach your level. "

" Old man" saying Yibo stuck his tongue and started to run

" Let me catch you little brat you dare to call me old man? "

" What can you do even if you catch me huh? Beat me?"

" Who would dare to beat my husband that too when I'm still here "

The two people fighting like kids looked at the direction of that voice only to see Jiang Cheng. The spark in Zhan's eyes was lost but still, he managed to cover it with his smile. Since his Bodi was here he had to be careful because Yibo understood Zhan really well. Like just from his voice Yibo could say whether he was sad or happy. So he looked at his Lil brat who was now turning beet red after hearing Jiang Cheng words. Maybe this is the difference between love and friendship that even that person's small actions have a huge effect on the other person thought Zhan, he could do nothing but leave to give them privacy but Haikuan interrupted their moment once again by calling them for dinner.

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