Part 6

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Someone is firing arrows at me. No time to think, I've gotta hide. I heave the dumpster away from the wall and crouch behind it. If the arrow hit the other side, I have to assume the archer is positioned opposite. I'm about thirty meters from the fire escape and there's no other cover. The only thing I can think of is to take my cover with me. The dumpster's on wheels, thank God, so I seize the edges and start to pull it alongside me towards the door, a huge, stinky shield. If I can get inside the Old LIbrary, I can get help.

Another arrow whistles past me and ricochets off the brick wall. The fire escape. The archer must be on the fire escape, meaning he's above me. Now I've had a chance to breathe, I try to fathom what's happening but it doesn't make sense. Why is someone trying to kill me? That can't be right. I must be caught in somebody else's crossfire. 'Help!' I cry so loud it hurts my throat.

In the corner of my eye I see a figure walking towards me. It's the blonde girl from the counter. She needs to get down and fast. Is the archer aiming at her? 'Hey! Get down!'

And then I see the blade gleam in the streetlight. She raises the dagger, ready bring it down on it me. All I can do is cover my head with my arms.

A hand grips my upper arm and hauls me backwards. I fall and let myself be dragged out of the way. Everything's upside-down, but with a sharp tug I'm tossed clean across the alleyway. For a moment I'm flying before my hip makes contact with some garbage bags. I scrabble to my feet, ready to run. 

No way! It's Zeke and he's fighting the blonde girl. Properly fighting. He twists her wrist backwards. She screams and drops the dagger. With her other arm, she delivers a weighty punch to his face. Her pretty face is now twisted and savage; lips curled back, teeth bared. She goes to hit him again, but he blocks her punch, instead grabbing her and throwing he over his head and on top of the dumpster with a crash. An arrow sails past his head, missing by an inch. Zeke ignores it and leaps onto the dumpster, straddling the blonde. His hands go to her throat.

What the hell is going on? 'What are you doing?' I cry.

Zeke ignores me and speaks to the girl. 'She's an innocent! You can't take her!'

The blonde can't talk, her eyes bulging. There's a moist splat as an arrow embeds itself in Zeke's shoulder. He tips his head back and howls in pain. Letting go of the girl's throat, he reaches back and yanks the arrow free. She kicks him off and he falls to the alley floor.

He's hurt. I have to help him. I leave my safe spot underneath the fire escape and run to his Zeke. 'Zeke! Zeke are you OK?' The blonde performs some sort of gymnastic flip thing off the dumpster and lands alongside us. 'What do you want?' I manage to spit the words out as she advances.

'Taryn!' Zeke grabs me. 'If you trust me, hold on tight.'

What choice do I have? Dagger girl or kung-fu guy? I wrap my arms around him. There's blood running down his back. This girl's going to kill us both. I screw my eyes shut and wait for it.

Nothing happens. I open my eyes and see I'm surrounded by light. Pure, lovely dawn light with flecks of gold swirling like snowflakes within. It's warm and safe and I'm calm. It envelops Zeke and I in a cocoon. On the other side of the glow I see the girl flinch and back away as though we were on fire. 'Don't let go,' Zeke whispers in my ear.

'I won't.'

The light seems to grow stronger, filling the dank alleyway. The girl turns and pelts onto the high street. Zeke's hold softens and the light fades. I hear the fire door crash open. It's Dahlia and Eddie. 'Oh my God! Taryn? What happened? We wondered where you'd got to.' Dahlia runs to our side. 'Is he hurt?'

'I'll be fine.' Zeke rises to his feet unsteadily.

'You're not fine!' I say. 'You got shot!'

'He got shot?' Eddie's eyes widen.

'I did not get shot. At least, not in the way you think. That arrow wasn't meant for me. It'll heal promptly. I just need rest.'

I grasp my hair. 'What is that supposed to mean? What is going on? Tell me, right now!'

Zeke shakes his head. 'No, they might come back. We need to get you home where you'll be safe.'

'OK, will someone tell me what's going on?' Dahlia asks. 'Taryn? Who is this guy?'

I sigh. 'This is Zeke. He's a senior.'

Zeke turns to Dahlia and Eddie. 'Do either of you have a car? Can you take Taryn home?'

Dahlia nods. 'Sure...but what's..?'

'There's no time for questions...I have to go. If they're here...well it's not a good thing.'

'Who is they?' I demand.

'Please, Taryn. You said you trusted me before. I need you to trust me again. i can explain everything, but not now. I have to go, I haven't a moment to lose. Be safe. Go straight home now.' Gripping his wound, he runs into the night.

'Wait!' I call after him but it's too late.

'I like his accent,' says Eddie. 'Very James Bond.'

'Girl, what the hell just happened?' Dahlia says.

I shake my head. 'Dahlia, I wish I knew.'

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