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"Dear Emberland,

      I hope this reaches you well. I honestly am struggling to believe that you're alive and well. I really did believe that I got you killed when I told you to run from Maria. When Peter wrote to me to say that he found you I had half the mind to find him for mocking me about you. If he hadn't have included that picture he took with you, I might have. I see that you're a vegetarian too. I would say it surprised me but you never did believe in unneeded violence. Emmy it was so relieving to know that you're actually alive. Well, as alive as you can be.  

    I joined a new coven by the way. We live in Forks, Washington. It's amazing being with them, we're just this big happy family. Oddly enough it makes me miss you more, we never got to have this in our human lives. You really would love them. The leader of our coven is Carlisle, he acts like the whole coven's father figure, probably because he created the majority of the family.  Carlisle is gifted with amazing self-control, he even works as a doctor in the hospital nearby. His wife, Esme, is our entire family's mom. Physically she is the oldest member of our household, even though Carlisle and I are actually the oldest. She reminds me of our mom, she would absolutely love you. Edward and Emmett are basically my brothers. Eddie has the ability to read minds, it can be helpful but it's also extremely annoying. Emmett is not gifted but he is definitely the strongest member of our family. Emmett is married to Rosalie, she reminds me of your friend Cecelia, I think you two could get along really well. Then there is my best friend, Alice. She can see the future through visions, and the only reason I ever joined the coven. finally, I make seven.

      They want to meet you one day. When I thought you were dead I used to tell them stories about you all the time. Now that they know you're alive they want to see the person who filled all of those stories. You can take your time though, I remember how nervous meeting new people used to make you. I'm sending you pictures of our family (labeled with names) and the house (with our address on the back) so that if you want to visit us you can already know names. You were always bad with names though. I love you, Emmy. I hope you'll write me back, it would be amazing to hear from you again. Also, I can't believe that you moved back to Texas after all of this time. You always said once you got out of Texas you would never go back. Regardless, I'm glad that you're okay.  

With Love,


   I hug the letter from my brother against my chest as I stare up at his new home. I got the letter a week ago and even though I preferred to just write Jasper back, I could not bring pen to paper. So now, I'm at the coven's house, not completely sure why I'm here. Surely the coven inside can smell me, which makes me nervous that they'll mistake me for a source of danger. But for some reason the idea of knocking is horrifying. What if Jasper decides that his life without me in it was better? 

     I take a deep breath, a cheap attempt at trying to steady myself, and finally, bring my fist up to the door. After the first knock, the door swings open, revealing a bronzed haired man. It takes me a second to recognize him as Edward. I have to wonder if he could hear my thoughts before I knocked. I hope he didn't, that would be embarrassing. "Hello?" He gives me a cheeky little grin as he says it. He was definitely listening in. "Hi," my words are higher pitched than normal from my nerves. I forcefully clear my throat in hopes that it will help me talk to him in my normal voice. "Can I help you?" "I'm looking for Jasper Whitlock," I pull the letter away from my chest, hoping that the paper will kill any doubts he might have. He nods at my nervous response, giving me a slight smile as if trying to comfort me, "He's out hunting with Alice right now." "Oh okay," I pause, looking away from him for a moment. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" If there was any blood in my body, my cheeks would be flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. Emberland Whitlock," I reach out my right hand so he can shake it. He does, "I'm Edward Cullen. You can come on in to wait for your brother."

     I step through the door, in complete awe of the house. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside is. Edward leads me into the living room, the vampires that were having a soft conversation together fall silent as we enter the room. I let my eyes search the room. Forst the fall on a large man that I easily identify as Emmett. He oddly seems less intimidating in person. He's laying in the lap of a beautiful blonde. Rosalie is running her fingers through her mate's short hair as he watches a game. She really does look like Cecelia did. My eyes then slide over to the coven's 'parents'. They share a single chair, Carlisle has his arms wrapped tightly around his wife while her head leans on his shoulder. The scene really does show love. The room almost reminds me of the type of family you would see in a television show. They did not come close to resembling my own family, which almost makes me jealous. Edward turns to face me as if he's the only person who recognizes the new body that entered the room with him.

      "So Emberland, what brought you to Forks?" His voice seems to alert the rest of the room of my existence. I grip the letter in my hand tighter, "In all honesty? I don't exactly know."Edward lets out a soft chuckle, I wouldn't exactly say that it felt real but I also didn't feel mocked by it. "Would that letter be a reason?" The bronze haired man points at the letter I'm clutching as he speaks and I nod in response. "It uh," I pause, "It turns out that it's hard to write a letter to someone you mourned twice."

   "You're Jasper's little sister who's good at hiding aren't you?" Emmett excitedly points at me as he speaks and I nod at him too, "That would be me." It's hard not to hide when you're scared that one of the two people who would want you dead might find you. "What was with the hiding?" "I was scared that my creator might be set on killing me," I let out a nervous little laugh, hopeful for Jasper's appearance to be quick. "Was she after you, sweetie?" Esme's motherly tone seems to float through the room. Jasper was right, she is similar to mom. "No, I was just a little paranoid, she was ever the kindest." I look down at my boots, not really wanting to make eye contact with anyone in the room. I've been here for about five minutes and already made myself embarrassed. Maybe I wasn't ready to be here, I should have stayed home this weekend and not bothered them.  Is it too late to leave? I don't want to be a bother for Jasper if he has to feel all of my nerves and embarrassment. 

      "Jasper wouldn't like it if you left," Edward whispers, "He's been happier than we've ever seen him since he found out you are alive. He was almost bouncing with excitement when he found out that Alice saw you coming." A smile forces itself onto my face, "So he does still have that grumpy little look on his face all the time!" The statement earns me a few laughs from around the room. "Oh yeah," Emmett rises to his feet with a light laugh, "he always looks like he's in pain." The large man makes his way over to me,  "You know Emberland, I think that if you and I could be great friends." Looking up to Emmett makes me feel tiny, and to think that I used to think Jasper towered over me. He ruffles my hair, dark strands of it falling into my face. The moment the large hand is removed from my head I push the hair away from my face. 

     "You know, you and Jasper don't really look all that similar for biological siblings. You do have the same nose and jawline though," Rosalie seems to hum the words. It's the first time I've heard her speak. "Yeah he got to look like our mother and I got stuck working with our father." The woman smiles at me softly, as if she knew that the history of my family. She probably does now that I think about it. Just as the room begins to fall silent the door clicks open, grabbing my attention. 

       An all too familiar tall blond walks into the room. Running over to him feels more like my instincts than a choice. "Jazzy, oh my god!" He seems to catch me in an embrace, lifting me off of the ground with a laugh, "Emmy! Look at you!" Seeing him again somehow sends me back into being a child, suddenly feeling safer from his existence. The blond vampire sets me back down on my feet, his hands clutching my shoulders as he holds me at arm's length. We both are smiling, it oddly reminds me of my first morning as a Vampire.  The long reunion where it's hard to believe that it's real. "I can't believe that you're actually here. You're actually alive," his words are whispered under his breath as if he's trying to them from the rest of the room. "I missed you too, Jasper." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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