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~~Arthur's perspective~~

It's been about a month since Lucas told Brandon the truth. Surprising to him Brandon tuck it extremely well. Which made him happy. Him and Brandon talked a lot more know to each other better and such.

It was midnight and Lucas was working around the territory. He couldn't really fall asleep. So he decided to walk. He was just out of the entrance of the main den area. When he bumped into someone.

~~Lucas's perspective~~

"I am sorry!"
I say looking up at Jazz. I've seen this person once before. He belong to the Le Carnival back. I get this weird feeling they do not like me.

"Watch where you're going!"
Jazz said in a mean manner. With a snarl on their voice they definitely don't like me for a reason and I need to find out why.

"There's no reason to be mad"
I say in the submissive manner. I can feel my wolf trying to submit but I'm trying not to.

"You're kind of water a wolf. Why didn't you die with the others of your kind!"
He hiss at me

"I don't know what you mean. I'm just an average wolf. Yes my margins are in usual but I don't know why."
I say try not to be suspicious

"Don't play that sh!t with me. I can sense it in you. I met your kind before and after fought against your kind. You're weak and pathetic."
Jazz side of a snarl. I can feel my body start to tremble.

"Fine I don't know what my kind of done to you. But I'm nothing like them. I watched my whole family get killed in front of me all that's my little sister. I have no idea where she is now. The only reason why me and her survived was because we were the runt of our litter and they extremely that we would have died. But we are saved buy a wolf of your kind. So I don't see why you hate me so much!"
I say trying to offend myself. But I could feel myself getting more scared by the second.

"It doesn't matter you still should have d-"
Before Jazz could finish I hear a low load deep angered and Venom filled growl.

"Leave him alone!"
I hear an all-too-familiar voice coming from behind me. He sounded beers and mad. Jazz took off running when Brandon approached.

Brandon came up beside me, hugging me in a protective manner. Erectus hotel around my body. Keeping me close to him.

"I won't let no one hurt you my ocean~"
Brandon says in a flirty by protective manner. I just smile and snuggle up to his chest more.

"But are you okay?"
He asked looking down at me his voice was filled with concern. I shake my head no but I know that I was okay. I lay my head against his chest. Feeling is warrants as I slowly fall asleep.

Little did we know someone was watching the whole thing happen. And all h!ll was about to break loose.

It was the next day. I woke up in my den so, I guess Brandon carried me back. I hear a whole bunch of arguing outside. I see the pack arguing in front of my den with Brandon trying stopping them from entering? I step forward. And then-

566 Wolds

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