ミ★ 𝘖𝘯𝘦 ★彡

38 1 0

Ding dong, ding dong...

Before anything...er...happens, I should introduce myself.




My name is Ayuta, and I go to this school because I got a scholarship...somehow. I'm a guy. Yeah, that's kinda obvious, I guess. I live at an orphanage with some other kids and our caretakers. I don't really stand out that much, to be honest. I almost always wear my comfort jacket with whatever shirt and pants I can snatch up when I'm getting ready in the morning. My hair is almost always a mess, and the only things I'd say I'm 'ok' at are volleyball and writing lyrics for songs. I don't really have any friends...but it's not like I intend to keep it that way. It would be nice, but I'll just let things come and go.




*just imagine the sound of somebody falling or something here-*

"A-ah! I'm so sorry!" Ayuta stepped back, shocked. He had accidentally bumped into whoever was in front of him, knocking them down to the ground. He attempted to help them up by offering his hand, but the person that was knocked down completely ignored it and stood up, brushing their hoodie off.

Ayuta looked them up and down, wondering if they were ok and why they didn't take his help.
He noticed that this person seemed to be a guy that was older than him, maybe a second year? He was tall with messy black hair and...red eyes.


'Huh...he's pretty cute too...' Ayuta thought, standing up a bit straighter and tilting his head to the side, continuing to observe him as he fixed himself up.

The boy looked at Ayuta, smirked, and softly took his chin with his hand and pulled him closer. This made Ayuta incredibly flustered and red in the face. He began stuttering and spouting out incoherent words, much to the delight and amusement of the mysterious raven haired boy.

"Haha...Look who's all embarrassed~" He cooed, tilting Ayuta's face to the side ever so slightly. Ayuta just stood there, his brain totally short-circuiting. As he continued to listen to the boy's slow and soothing voice, however, he calmed down a bit and simply looked at him.

'Oh jeez, he even sounds hot too-' he thought, averting his eyes and grimacing a bit at what he was thinking.

"Name's Suyu. What about you, cutie~?" Suyu smirked, removing his hand from under Ayuta's chin and setting it on his hip, watching as the other began blinking and collecting his thoughts.

"...I'm Ayuta. It's nice to meet you, I guess." Ayuta mumbled, and he proceeded to reach into his pocket to try and grab something. Suyu blinked and looked at him, observing how he took out a piece of paper and looked at it, mumbling to himself. He walked a little closer to Ayuta, looking down at the paper he had in his hands.

It was...a schedule?

"Ah, you must be new. That's why I've never seen you around here before." Suyu conceded, crossing his arms in front of him and tilting his head. Ayuta looked up and nodded, now sure that Suyu was most likely a second year, which meant that he was a year above him and probably a year older.

"I-I'm sorry about bumping into you..." he mumbled quietly and looked away.

Suyu chuckled in response to Ayuta's apology and ruffled the younger's hair.

"That's alright, cutie! I don't mind~!"

Ayuta jolted again and puffed out his cheeks. "Don't...c-call me cute..." he mumbled, avoiding meeting Suyu's gaze.

Suyu smirked and said, "Oh? Yo-"




Please be nice if you end up commenting, this was literally the first story I ever wrote and I'm coming back to it after like 719373923 years to eDiT it and publish-

This first chapter is short but it gets a lot better(ish?) and longer later on-

What do you think so far? Was baby writer me good or kinda eh?

Anyways, I hope whoever ends up reading this enjoys <3

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