ミ★ 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳 ★彡

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Ayuta sat down in his seat, ready for the class to begin. He found that Akio and Seiji were also in the same classroom as him again. He guessed that Suyu was as well, but the boy hadn't come back from the bathroom yet.

'Huh, weird. I would have thought that some of us would have different classes...' He thought, leaning his head on his desk, already feeling exhausted for some reason. He watched as Suyu finally walked into the room and glanced at him, smirking. Giving the boy a glare, Ayuta took out his phone, trying to distract himself.  Soon afterwards, he heard a familiar voice...

"AAhEm." Somebody standing at the front of the room cleared their throat, and as Ayuta and the other students looked up, their eyes flashed with recognition. It was...Ms. Math Teacher?!

"Before you ask any questions, no, I am not Ms. Math Teacher. I am your history teacher, Ms. History Teacher. Ms. Math Teacher is actually my sister." Ms. History Teacher fiddled around with her pencil, looking her students up and down.

"Well...you all seem to be an interesting bunch. Let's hope I'll get what I signed up for..." She mumbled her last sentence, already looking bored.

Like Ms. Math Teacher did, Ms. History Teacher went through with the roll call, and miraculously, Suyu stayed awake the entire time. Afterwards, the students simply just listened to the teacher and took their notes, the class ending in almost the blink of an eye.

Ayuta snapped out of the daze he was in as the bell rang, and he began gathering his things together once again. He looked at his schedule and grimaced when he saw what class he had next.

Gym (Pool)

Grumbling and mumbling profanities under his breath, Ayuta made his way to the lockers and changed out of his normal clothes, trying his best to be as quick as possible. He made his way into the gym to wait for the teacher, mildly impressed at how big it was, and is that a volleyball net there?! Ayuta began to tremble in excitement, having no idea that there could be a volleyball team for this school.

'I definitely have to join when I get the chance...!' He thought, bouncing up and down a bit.

"Alright! Is everybody ready?" The teacher's voice boomed from the middle of the room, catching Ayuta's attention. The students yelled back in agreement and they all made their way to the nearby pool.

While Ayuta didn't really like any sports besides volleyball, he despised swimming. He did occasionally enjoy dipping his toes in the pool that was nearby the orphanage, but in general, he just didn't really enjoy the sport.

For more reasons than one.

After a bit, all of the students got to the pool and were told by the teacher to do some laps.

With an annoyed expression on his face, Ayuta jumped into the pool and began to do his laps, finding that Seiji had jumped in as well and was swimming along beside him.

At one point, Ayuta locked eyes with him, and with a determined look on his face, he began pulling ahead of the older boy. Seiji realized what Ayuta was doing and decided to speed up as well. Everybody in the class, including Suyu, Akio, and even Cyrus began watching the two compete with each other.

Soon, Ayuta started to weaken, his arms moving slower and slower as he tried to keep up with Seiji. The other boy seemed to notice and slowed down as well.

"Yuta...?" Akio whispered, as he and the other students watched in horror as the boy sunk under, unable to swim any longer. As Seiji came up for air, he noticed that Ayuta wasn't there, and he panicked.

He swam under and realized that Ayuta was beginning to drown, too exhausted to swim anymore. He made his way over as quickly as he could, grabbing ahold of Ayuta and making for the surface. After gulping another breath, he swam to the edge of the pool and dragged himself and the smaller boy up. Ms. Gym Teacher ran over to check on the two.

"Are you two ok?!" She asked, pressing the back of her hand to Ayuta's forehead.

"I'm fine...I don't know about Ayuta though. Can I take him to the infirmary?" Seiji breathed in and out, trying to control himself and his breaths.

Ms. Gym Teacher nodded and let Seiji pick Ayuta up bridal-style and carry him to the infirmary as quickly as he could. As he made his way there, Seiji looked at the boy in worry, hoping that he would be ok.

After some speed-walking, he finally made it to the infirmary. He looked around and noticed that the nurse wasn't even there. Sighing, he placed Ayuta gently onto the nearby cot and sat down, looking around for something he could use to help him. After a bit, he glanced briefly at Ayuta's face. He gulped and leaned a bit closer, inspecting his face thoroughly.

'He's...pretty cute...' Seiji thought, tilting his head to the side.

'W-wait..what am I thinking?! He's a guy!'

Sighing, Seiji drew back, fixing up his hair before leaning back and staring at the ceiling. Soon after that, he found himself staring at Ayuta again. He bit his lip and leaned his chin into his palm, watching as Ayuta finally woke up, sat up, and looked directly at Seiji.

Seiji sat up and, with a smile on his face, said "Ah, you're finally awake!"

Ayuta stiffened and looked around the room in a panic, wondering if Seiji...found out...

Noticing Ayuta's discomfort, Seiji tried to reassure him by placing a hand on his shoulder and saying, "Hey...It's fine. All I did was carry you here and put you on the cot. I'm not...er...like that."

After blinking a couple times, Ayuta breathed a sigh of relief and muttered something quietly, but not too quietly that Seiji couldn't hear.

"So he didn't find out...good."

Seiji quirked his eyebrow, wondering what Ayuta was talking about. As he stared at the boy for a moment longer, he noticed there was something...strange...about him.

'Wait...His face...' Seiji looked thoroughly at Ayuta's face again. After a bit, he finally realized something.

"Ayuta...Are you...really a guy?"


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