Meet the characters

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Me as E'njoli King (I couldn't really find anybody so I just used myself)

Me as E'njoli King (I couldn't really find anybody so I just used myself)

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Hi my name is E'njoli King and I am 18 years old. I'm a plus size girl with nappy soft hair, but I keep it done of course. I'm 5'9ft tall and light skin, and I were triple D in bras sizes. I have three brothers and one sister. I am the quietest and shyest one out of all my mothers kids. I like to read and write stories, listen to music while singing along, babysit, and cook. I can be mean and sarcasm at times but not always. 

Brittany Mix as Nicole Dean (britbrat_2449)

Hi everybody I am E'njoli's big sister Nicole Dean

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Hi everybody I am E'njoli's big sister Nicole Dean. Of course I'm the cutest kid my mom had period, but anyways I'm 5'5ft like and light skin just like my mom but I'm a little lighter then her. Oh I can't forget that I have a couple of tattoos was well. I am a bbw(Big Beautiful Woman) but a bad one if I do so say myself okay. I have dirty blond mix with black color hair and its natural curly too so yeah, but enough about what my cute ass look like I'm a hard working mother of three boys. I'm only 26 years old and It's hard being a mom sometimes but I love the shit out of my kids their my bestfriends I swear. 

Jada Pinkett Smith as Sharee Foster ( jadapinkettsmith)

Jada Pinkett Smith as Sharee Foster ( jadapinkettsmith)

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Hello my name is Sharee Foster and I am 45 years old. I used to weight three-twenty but I lose all that weight so, now I'm skinny. I'm 5'5ft tall and light skin, I'm a C cup in bras. I hate when my hair was long it kept touching me so I cut the shit into a short hairdo. I'm the mother of  E'njoli, Anthony, Jamal, Nicole, and Torrell. I also have four grandbabies. They all boy  I love it. 

Chris brown plays Torrell Cocks (chrisbrownofficial)

What's up guys I'm Torrell Cocks yeah funny last name I know but it's my dad's last name so, but anyways I'm 25 years old

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What's up guys I'm Torrell Cocks yeah funny last name I know but it's my dad's last name so, but anyways I'm 25 years old. I'm tall and skinny with tattoos and i have the same hair color as Nicole but i have dyed my hair over the years so it looks orange a little but anyways, my siblings say I look like I'm white but I am not I'm black. Anyways I have a son name TJ and yes he has my last name cause his Jr but yeah I love my son he is my everything man. I can say me and my sibling are all goofy but they say I'm the slow one when I'm not I just have AHD that's all. But enough about me.

Polo G as Jamal King (polo.capalot)

Hey everybody it's yo boy Jamal King and I'm 17 years old

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Hey everybody it's yo boy Jamal King and I'm 17 years old. I'm in the 11th grade and I got one more year I can't wait to be out of school but anyways I'm tall and brown skin. I also have some tattoos. I have a black and brown hair color. I miss my old friends back in Ohio. even though E'njoli and Nicole is older then me I still fight and protect them as if I'm old then them. I love all my sibling  and nephews but they ALL are annoying and irritating asf like please nigga get out my face. 


Dede 3x as Anthony King (_.1mdd3x_)

Sup it's yo boy Anthony King and I'm the baby, the youngest, the last of the kids my parents have

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Sup it's yo boy Anthony King and I'm the baby, the youngest, the last of the kids my parents have. I'm 14 years old and I'm in the 9th grade. I hate school with a passion but my mom will beat my ass and kick my out the house if I ever decided to drop out and plus  all my older siblings will be on my ass too. I hate being the youngest because I can't do what the rest of them do I'm stuck with my mom I wish I can go live with my dad but I can't cause my mom won't let. I used to be a mommy's boy but all my siblings made fun of me because of it so I changed. My mom wasn't happy about it and she blame them for changing me but who cares, but any who I'm dark skin and skinny and also tall. I've been growing my hair out too so yeah.

As the story goes on i will be adding some more characters!! 


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